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Friday 9 November 2018

Quotes Nov 10

The modern state therefore as sovereign claims prior jurisdiction in every sphere of life. It claims is the right to legislate ( for the sovereign is the source of law) for every realm, and its right of legislation, however  generously or cautiously applied, is a total right. The state as sovereign is simply the state as god. - Rousas John Rushdoony, in Herman Dooyeweerd, The Christian idea of the state, p.x

Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation. —Rumi (I think this shows that due to the absolute transcendence of Allah there is nothing one can really know about him. - GJW)

NASA has plans to probe Uranus in search of gas - Headline -

"It is not that Christians are to 'give thanks' with a plastic smile, saying things are wonderful when they are hard. It is knowing that the hard things are really hard things, a result of the abnormality since the Fall, yet not revolting against God when the hard things come. It is in this sense we are to say, 'thank you.' I know that even out of this part of the battle and tears, my Heavenly Father will bring good-even though I may not know how all the pieces fit together."~ Dr. Francis Schaeffer, True Spirituality

And what, in contrast, does humanism have to offer? Quite literally, nothing at all. A message that all is meaningless, that we humans have no significance beyond what we might choose to make up ourselves, that there is nothing above us but sky, nothing around us but pitiless indifference, nothing below us but the grave, nothing to look forward to but oblivion. No hope but more of what we already are, for there is nothing else to hope for. I was told by a humanist recently that he once asked the local humanist group why humanists don’t run food banks. They had no answer, he said; but to Christians the answer is obvious. Why should they? I might add that they don’t send gifts to children on the other side of the world either. There is nothing in humanism that would make anyone want to do so; because it is a creed which comes offering nothing, explaining nothing, motivating nothing.- This Christmas, beware evangelical humanists offering absolutely nothing, MATTHEW ROBERTS,

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