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Sunday 14 August 2011

Gratitude to God makes even a temporal blessing a taste of heaven.- William Romaine

I am sparkling, you are unusually talkative, he is drunk.

The pessimist thinks the glass is half empty, the optimist thinks the glass is half full, the pharmacist knows the glass is the wrong size.

The first effect of the inner liberation brought about by.the
biblical [Reformed] message, however, should be that we fully recognize that good Christians may be bad scientists, poor' exegetes and silly people. The' saints', in the biblical sense, are far from perfect. It is one of the human weaknesses, certainly not encouraged by the Bible, to crave for quasi-infallible authorities besides God and thus to take up the unnecessary burden of defending these authorities as if the kingdom of God was at stake. Everyone is really, Romish' at heart. Few people are ready to bear the full responsibility of freedom; they either lapse into licence or yearn for some authority besides God (a philosophical or political system, the State, the Party, the
ecclesiastical hierarchy). The obstacle to attaining real freedom is,
that we are not contented with God alone, but want other gods beside
Him.- Hooykaas

Now if thou compare deed to deed, there is difference
betwixt washing of dishes, and preaching of the word of God;
but as touching to please God, none at all: for neither that
nor this pleaseth, but as far forth as God hath chosen a man,
hath put his Spirit in him, and purified his heart by faith and
trust in Christ.Let every man therefore wait on the office wherein Christ
hath put him, and therein serve his brethren.-William Tyndale (1492?-1536), "Parable of the Wicked Mammon" [1527], in Doctrinal Treatises and Introductions, Cambridge: The University Press, 1848, p. 102

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