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Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Quotes Nov 1

“One of the chief uses of religion is that it makes us remember our coming from darkness, the simple fact that we are created.” GK Chesterton,The Boston Sunday Post

A man’s contentment is in his mind, not in the extent of his possessions. Alexander the Great, with all the world at his feet, cries for another world to conquer.- - Charles Spurgeon
“I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised,
and I am saved from my enemies.“ — Psalm 18:3
Hearing a Call to Worship on the Lord's Day is like having a lifebuoy thrown over us.- Gethin Jones

“Doctrine divides!”
No, doctrine defines. -Matt Smethurst @MattSmethurst

"Indeed, this is what is unique about Christian faith in contrast to all other religions and spiritualities. Faith is not simply faith in God. It is not about connecting to a power greater than ourselves in the world or, for that matter, in ourselves. It is not about our private choice to be spiritual. No, it is instead all about receiving God's promises of redemption, about receiving them at the only place and in the only way that we can receive them. It is about coming through Christ to receive what the Father has for us in him. And when we take hold of Christ, and of the promises made to us and received in him, we have the most important thing that God wants us to have. "For all the promises of God find their Yes in him. That is why it is through him that we utter our Amen to God for his glory." (@ Cor. 1:20) - David F. Wells, God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-love of God Reorients Our World

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Quotes Oct 31

You say, “If I had a little more, I should be very satisfied.” You make a mistake. If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled.- Charles Spurgeon

Certain new theologians dispute original sin, which is the only part of Christian theology which can really be proved.” - GK Chesterton,Orthodoxy

... the wisest and most gallant of all the men whom this age, rich in heroes, has produced. In what ever direction England finally moves it will go down to the ages that she had a ruler who had the glory of this island and the respect for religion close to his heart. - John Owen en Oliver Cromwell, in the Oxford orations of Dr John Owen, Page 47 quoted in - Sinlcair B Ferguson Some pastors and teachers, p.32

I offer my heart to you Lord, promptly and sincerely. (Cor meum tibi offero, Domine, prompte et sincere). - Calvin's motto quoted in - Sinclair B Ferguson Some pastors and teachers, p.66

Monday, 29 October 2018

Quotes Oct 30

“In times of adversity, believers comfort themselves with the solace that they suffer nothing except by God’s ordinance and command, for they are under his hand.” - Calvin

If I had never joined a church till I had found one that was perfect, I should never have joined one at all. And the moment I did join it, if I had found one, I should have spoiled it, for it would not have been a perfect church after I had become a member of it. Still, imperfect as it is, it is the dearest place on earth to us.- Charles Spurgeon

Narrated by Aisha That the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years' (i.e., till his death. Muhammad was age 53). -  Sahih Bukhari.Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64

"Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." ~John Wooden

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Quotes Oct 29

Here's an important lesson to remember: No matter how gracious & loving & kind you are, when you speak the truth in love & shine light into darkness, some people will hate you for it -- and I mean hate.Dr. Michael L. Brown@DrMichaelLBrown

"Children seldom misquote you. In fact, they usually repeat word for word what you shouldn’t have said." - Unk

It is a good rule never to look into the face of a man in the morning till you have looked into the face of God.- Charles Spurgeon@CHSpurgeon

(Calvin's College a Montaigu) exacted enormous discipline. Classes began at 4 AM and continued (with some intermission) until at least eight p.m.. Calvin was a sponge for learning. - Sinclair B Ferguson,  Some pastors and teachers, p.10

Friday, 26 October 2018

Quotes Oct 27

I view the difficulties of Holy Scripture as so many prayer stools upon which I kneel and worship the glorious Lord. What we cannot comprehend by our understandings we apprehend by our affections.- Charles Spurgeon

If we could understand how patient God is with our weaknesses, we would not fail to show patience to others. - @desiringGod

“Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose.”- C. S. Lewis@CSLewisDaily

Fear looks at the storm; Faith looks at the Saviour. - James Merritt

The high priest garment in ex 28:31-32 slips over the head, i.e. it is seamless. John mentioning Jesus' seamless garment in John 19 is a hint of his high priestly work in bearing our sin  - Philip Ryken, Exodus

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Quotes Oct 26

I would not be a Stoic to have no passions, but a Christian, to order those I have. - Joseph Hall, Medications and vows, divine and Alex Ryrie, Being Protestant in Reformation Britain, p 18

The angel of the Lord. The covenant angel, the Lord Jesus, at the head of all the bands of heaven, surrounds with his army the dwellings of the saints. Like hosts entrenched so are the ministering spirits encamped around the Lord's chosen, to serve and succour, to defend and console them. Encampeth round about them that fear him. On every side the watch is kept by warriors of sleepless eyes, and the Captain of the host is one whose prowess none can resist. And delivereth them. We little know how many providential deliverances we owe to those unseen hands which are charged to bear us up lest we dash our foot against a stone.  - Charles Spurgeon, Treasury of David,Psalm 34:7,Exposition

I know the inconstancy of the people of England, how they ever mislike the present government & have their eyes fixed upon that person that is next to succeed; & naturally men be so disposed: ‘More to adore the rising than the setting sun.’- Elizabeth I.

He that eateth and drinketh,
And letteth grace pass,
Sitteth down like a ox,
And riseth like an ass.
Hill, Christ's prayer expounded in Alex Ryrie, Being Protestant in Reformation Britain, p 382

Quotes Oct 25 take a divine promise, spoken thousands of years ago, and lo, it is fulfilled to you! It becomes as true to you as if God had spoken it for the first time this very day, and you were the person to whom it was addressed- Charles Spurgeon

Whoever is utterly cast down and overwhelmed by the awareness of his calamity, poverty, nakedness, and disgrace has thus advanced farthest in knowledge of himself.- John Calvin@JohnCalvinDaily

Sin is an infinite evil because it is committed against an infinitely great and excellent Being, and so is a violation of infinite obligation.- Jonathan Edwards@Heart_Aflame

There is more mercy in Christ than sin in us. —Richard Sibbes

'Even though being a good speller has lost its ranking in school, we can hope there is one group of artisans that still finds spelling important…the tattoo artist.'- Nanette L. Avery

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Quotes Oct 24

I would rather speak five words out of this book than 50,000 words of the philosophers. If we want revivals, we must revive our reverence for the Word of God. If we want conversions, we must put more of God’s Word into our sermons.- Charles Spurgeon

“He would blush if anyone saw his sin, but he doesn’t blush for the sin itself.......You are afraid if a mere man is present; aren’t you afraid, then, at the presence of God, Father and Son? But alas, you don’t want to believe, in case you would have to obey” Ambrose

No one has made much progress in the school of Christ who doesn't look forward joyfully both to his death and the day of his final resurrection." John Calvin

... Nehemiah Wallington, who saw all five of his children die, for them in infancy... It was his wife Grace who consoled him, reminding him of the comfort which they could both find in submission to God's will. 'It is your daughter's wedding day', she reasoned, 'and will you grieve to see your daughter go home to her husband Christ Jesus?' Eventually, Wallington could draw comfort in believing that he was blessed through the loss of his children, for they were his treasure, and if his treasure was in heaven,  his heart would be there also. - Wallington, Notebooks, p59,64  in Alex Ryrie, Being Protestant in Reformation Britain, p126

Monday, 22 October 2018

Quotes Oct 23

If you wish to know God, you must know his Word. If you wish to perceive his power, you must see how he works by his Word. If you wish to know his purpose before it comes to pass, you can only discover it by his Word.- Charles Spurgeon

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty" - T Jefferson

Come sweet Christ, let me find comfort, let me feel some taste, let me me feel some touch, let my heart prepared, touch my heart ... Let me have some feeling, some taste, some scent, some glimmering of thy glorious presence. - Michael  Sparke,  Crumbs of Comfort, in Alex Ryrie, Being Protestant in Reformation Britain, p45

Pray when the world is asleep, for as soon as it is awake, it will tcy and call on thee. - Dorothy Leigh, Mother's blessing, in Alex Ryrie, Being Protestant in Reformation Britain, p149

Sunday, 21 October 2018

Quotes Oct 22

The words of Scripture thrill my soul as nothing else ever can. They bear me aloft or dash me down. They tear me in pieces or build me up. The words of God have more power over me than ever David’s fingers had over his harp strings. Is it not so with you?-Charles Spurgeon

Praise God from whom all coffee grows.
Praise him all drinkers here below.
Praise him for light and dark roasts.
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.Ma𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝙳𝚞𝚛𝚎n@martyduren

The criminalisation of homosexual practice is completely unacceptable, as is the criminalisation of opinions disagreeing with homosexual practice; any judgement must be left to God. - Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p.112

John Calvin argued that the efficacy of the sacraments is never tied to the time that it is given; salvation may come before, during, or after the administration of the sign, even as was the case with circumcision. Neither does the validity of baptism rest mini upon the one who receives or administers it. It rests instead on the character of the one who's promise it signifies. - - R C Sproul, Everyone's theologian An introduction to systematic theology. p288

Friday, 19 October 2018

Quotes Oct 20

I wish that our ministry—that mine especially—might be tied and tethered to the cross. I would have no other subject to set before you but Jesus only.- Charles Spurgeon

Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word, equality. But while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude. - Alexis de Tocqueville

"As a woman in this world and now as a parent, I would love to believe that I can “tell a sexual predator by looking at them,” but in truth, the only sure way I can tell a sinner is by looking in the mirror." - Sherri Rice@sherririce95

Spiritual revival and restoration will not start at the White House, the State House, the School House or even the Church House; it will begin at our house, and it will begin with you and me. - Christian American Man@PhillipDWilson

The church,from where I'm standing,
can sometimes feel so  precarious & vulnerable.
But it's not.
It's built on The Rock,
     bought by His blood,
     anchored in His Glory.
Andy Prime@revandyprime

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Quotes Oct 19

The chief aim of the enemy’s assaults is to get rid of Christ, to get rid of the atonement, to get rid of his suffering in the place of men.- Charles Spurgeon

Whichever escatological view we hold, we must hold it humbly because we do not know the future. We can all look backward but we do not know God's agenda for what's to come. We must be humble and acknowledge our eschatological view might not be accurate. - R C Sproul, Everyone's theologian An introduction to systematic theology. p314

The current anti-hate crime movement is generated not by an epidemic of unprecedented bigotry but by heightened sensitivity to prejudice and more important, by our societies emphasis on identity politics. - James Jacobs and Kimberly Potter, Hate crimes criminal law and identity politics, quoted in  Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p.104

There are strong reasons to question the inclusion of hate speech bans in international human rights law. First, the drafting history of international anti-hate speech laws sure is that such laws are a legacy of totalitarian states aimed at abusing human rights rather than strengthening tolerance. Second, the applicable standards are conflicting, impossible to reconcile with the principle of legal certainty inherent in the rule of law, and prone to abuses that undermine critically important freedoms of speech -  especially political speech . Third,  laws against hate speech and against "offence" are tools in the hands of those who would severely restrict religious freedom. Finally proponents of hate speech bands have yet to demonstrate any link between such bans and social peace and tolerance. - Jacob Mchangama, The problem with hate speech laws, in The review of faith and international affairs (2015) quoted in  Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p.106

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Quotes Oct 18

 When you feed upon the word of God, the Spirit of God makes you like the Son of God for the glory of God.- Steven Lawson @DrStevenJLawson

If our Lord’s bearing our sin for us is not the gospel, I have no gospel to preach. Brethren, I have befooled you these thirty-five years if this is not the gospel. I am a lost man, if this is not the gospel, for I have no hope beneath the canopy of heaven, neither in time nor in eternity, save only in this belief—that Jesus Christ, in my place, bore both my punishment and sin.- Charles Spurgeon

The only difference between the kingdom today and the kingdom that we will know future is its visibility. Jesus is king right now. - R C Sproul, Everyone's theologian An introduction to systematic theology. p.153

All war is deception. - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

The law can only judge acts not feelings or thoughts. If the act is illegal anyway, to punish the offender's prejudices or feelings behind the commission of the crime is to punish emotions or thought. - Jules Gomes, Conservative Woman, quoted in  Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p.104

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Quotes Oct 17

Galerius Maximus - The authority of the law shall be sealed in your blood,. It is the sentence_ of this   court that Thesis Cyprian be executed by the sword.
Cyprian:           Thanks be to God -The Acts of St Cyprian, in 2000 years of Christ's power,  part one, The age of the early church fathers, N R Needham  p.142

African Catholics did not rebaptise Donatists who rejoined them. Augustine argued that the validity of baptism did not depend on the personal worthiness or orthodoxy of the clergyman who baptises, but on Christ himself. As long as Christ's command to baptise with water in the name of the Trinity was obeyed, the baptism was valid - it was really Christ himself who was baptising the convert through the act of presbyter or bishop. - 2000 years of Christ's power,  part one, The age of the early church fathers, N R Meedham  p.245

Israel's biggest struggle was not with hostile nation but with false prophets in the camp or within the gates of the city.- R C Sproul, Everyone's a theologian An introduction to systematic theology. p.22

Truth in the Old Testament is not defined philosophically, but relationally. Its a root idea is faithfulness - firmness, steadfastness, trustworthiness, reliability. sureness. On the one hand, truth refers to the faithfulness of God. On the other hand, the Truth refers to human beings demonstrating faithful by living and speaking the truth. - Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p.71

Monday, 15 October 2018

Quotes Oct 16

Happiness is dependent upon our circumstances in the world. Joy is dependent upon our relationship with the Lord.- Steven Lawson@DrStevenJLawson

"In nature there are no rewards and punishments - only consequences." ~ Chinese Proverb

The relativist says, "There is no absolute truth except the absolute truth that there is absolutely no absolute truth. All truth is relative. What is true for one maybe four for another ...  There is no possibility o. - f a systematic understanding of truth, R C Sproul, Everyone's theologian An introduction to systematic theology. p.5

Prayer and pains through faith in Jesus Christ will do anything. - John Eliot, in John Legg,  The footsteps of God p.270

He who fears to suffer cannot belong to him who suffered' - Tertullian, - 2000 years of Christ's power,  part one, The age of the early church fathers, N R Meedham  p.129

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Quotes Oct 15

The first sign of spiritual life, is to feel that you are dead! - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

... when the main study on sex abuse by American clergy reports that 81% of victims were male -and  largely postpubescent- how tenable is the proposition that homosexuality hasn't a thing to do with priestly sex abuse? - William McGurn, Oscar Wilde's Catholicism, The Wall Street Journal October 9 2018

The north west African church viewed live as a fierce struggle between light and darkness, and was marked by a  powerful zeal for purity of life and doctrine. It found its centre in the huge Tunisian seaport of Carthage, the third greatest city in the empire, after Rome and Alexandria. - 2000 years of Christ's power,  part one, The age of the early church fathers, N R Meedham  p.126

...  The fire of 1812 ... Destroyed all Carey's uncompleted manuscripts ... In One night the labours of years are consumed. I had lately brought some things to the utmost perfection  I could, and contemplated the mission with, perhaps, too much self congratulation. The Lord has laid me low, that I might look more simply to him. - John Legg,  The footsteps of God p. 267

God has a sovereign right to dispose of us as he pleases. We all to acquiesce in all that God does with us and to us. - William Carey letter to Fuller, in ,John Legg,  The footsteps of God p.268

Friday, 12 October 2018

Quotes Oct 13

By definition, a Christian should be an enigma to every person who is not a Christian. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

I am concerned for my country and where it is going.  The mantra of the new progressive Nationalism seems to be “It doesn’t matter where you are from, it matters where you are going.” The trouble is that it actually does matter where you are from (history, geography, ancestry and society cannot be dismissed that easily) and it matters a great deal if we don’t all buy into the ‘follow the yellow brick road’ fantasy of the ‘progressive’ ideology that is now driving our country.- David Roberson, The Tartan Taliban – Article in the Daily Mail,

Keep your eye simply on Him; let His death, His sufferings, His merits, His glories, His intercession, be fresh upon thy mind; when you wake in the morning look to Him; when thou lie down at night look to Him.- Charles Spurgeon@CHSpurgeon

If you have less of this world. may you have more of his comfortable presence! Oh, blessed exchange!Sanctified afflictions are a thousand times rather to be chosen than unsanctified prosperity.- John Berridge)

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Quotes Oct 12

A man is not a Christian unless he can say with Paul, "I am what I am by the grace of God!" - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

 ... gender feminism isn’t fundamentally a pro-woman but an anti-man movement. It isn’t driven by the adrenaline of a genuine concern for women, but by a deep-rooted hatred of men. Feminism isn’t trying to correct misogyny; it is seeking to create a dark and bigoted misandry.- - The striptease of toxic feminism in the Brett Kavanaugh freak show, October 9, 2018, Jules Gomes,

Of all I have ever seen or learned, that book
[Ecclesiastes] seems to me the noblest, the wisest,
and the most powerful expression of man's life upon
this earth--and also the highest flower of poetry,
eloquence, and truth.
I am not given to dogmatic judgments in the matter
of literary creation, but if I had to make one I could
say that Ecclesiastes is the greatest single piece
of writing I have ever known, and the wisdom
expressed in it the most lasting and profound.
--Thomas Wolfe (1900-1938)
      (In Eric S. Christianson's
      _Ecclesiastes Through the Centuries_ [2007])

"...a person is not worshiping the Christian God as he should unless he recognizes that God is sovereign. When we speak of God's sovereignty, two thoughts are in mind--His work of creation and His work of providence. When we speak of providence, we mean His dealings in the world now." ~ Francis Schaeffer, Basic Bible Studies

""In a democracy, we have always had to worry about the ignorance of the uneducated. Today we have to worry about the ignorance of people with college degrees."- Thomas Sowell

Quotes Oct 11

No difficulty in believing the gospel is intellectual--it is always moral. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

...the Supreme Court—the politburo of the American Left for over seventy years. - The striptease of toxic feminism in the Brett Kavanaugh freak show, October 9, 2018, Jules Gomes,

I had the happiness desecrate the Gunga (Ganges) by baptising the first Hindoo, viz. Krishna, and my son Felix. - William Carey, 28 December 1800 in John Legg,  The footsteps of God p.266

What Is true for you is true for you, and what is true for me is true for me. Truth is totally subjective.- Protagoras, quoted in  Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p.70

The Egyptian city of Alexandria was, after Rome the greatest city in the Roman Empire. ... Alexandria acted as its intellectual and cultural capital. - 2000 years of Christ's power,  part one, The age of the early church fathers, N R Meedham p.116

Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Quotes Oct 10

"Sacraments are God's authorised illustrations to prop up our weak faith. Sacraments are given not to make God's promises more sure but to make us more sure of God's promises." Ralph Davis

Our public discourse would be immediately improved if we didn't presume people who disagree with us must be morally inferior.- Sam Allberry@SamAllberry

The reason why congregations have been so dead, is because dead men preach to them. O that the Lord may quicken and revive them for his own names sake. For how can dead men beget living children?- George Whitefield Oct 9, 1740 @WhitefieldG

The intellectual, the moral, the religious seem to me all naturally bound up and interlinked together in one great and harmonious whole.” - Ada Lovelace

Apart from an outside supernatural assistance,
society goes from bad to worse until deterioration
is universal.  Not evolution but devolution is the
law of man without God.
     --Fulton John Sheen (1895-1979)
      _The Prodigal World_ [1936]

Monday, 8 October 2018

Quotes Oct 9

"O my friends, how thankful should we be for sleep."- Charles Spurgeon

The biggest hoax in the world for the last 150 years, has been the theory of evolution! - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

I think the church of England enters into the natural life purpose of the country - that she is associated in a great degree with the feelings, the traditions, as well as the history of England; and there in my opinion very many who do not formally belong to her company who would with deep regret witness her downfall. - W E Gladstone, speech,  August 1868

True freedom is where no restraint is known,
That Scripture, justice, and good sense disown;
Where only vice and injury are tied,
And all from shore to shore is free beside.
Expostulation by William Cowper

When I first left England, my hope ft the conversion of the season was very strong,but, among so many obstacles, it would entirely die away, unless a upheld of God... no earthly thing to depend upon, or earthly comfort, except food and raiment,. Well, I have God, and his word is sure. Though the superstitions of this heathen where a thousand times stronger than they are, and the example of the Europeans a thousand times worse; though I were deserted by all and persecuted by all, yet my faith, fixed on that sure Word, yet my faith would rise above all obstacles and overcome every trial. God's cause will triumph. -  - William Carey, letter, in John Legg,  The footsteps of God, p.263

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Oct 8 quotes

Intellectual pride is the last citadel of self. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Earthly possessions dazzle our eyes and delude us into thinking that
they can provide security and freedom from anxiety.  Yet all the time
they are the very source of all anxiety.
==Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Cost Of Discipleship, 1937

“All persons have need to dread the future, except the Christian.” - Charles Spurgeon

We are what we are today in Jesus Christ because God has a plan. It's not something uncertain. It's not something wistful. It's not some fleeting thing. It is a sure thing—a definite thing that goes back into eternity.- Derek Thomas@DerekWHThomas

Weary? Jesus says come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest
Worried? Cast yours cares on him for he cares for you
Carrying something too heavy for you? He says take my yoke upon you for my yolk is easy and my burden is light. - Sermon 7 Oct 2018, Paul Levy@ealinglevy

Friday, 5 October 2018

Quotes Oct 6

The state of the world today, is nothing but an appalling monument to human failure. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

"With an elite providing the arbitrary absolutes, not just TV but the general apparatus of the mass media can be a vehicle for manipulation. There is no need for collusion or a plot. All that is needed is that the world-view of the elite and the world-view of the central news media coincide."~ Francis Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live?

I(William Carey) am in a strange land, akin, no Christian friend, large family and nothing to supply their wants ... Now all my friends are one; I rejoice, however, that he is all sufficient and can supply all my wants, spiritual and temporal ... Everything is
known to God and God cares for the nation. - William Carey letter to a friend, in John Legg,  The footsteps of God, callp263

Post truth - An adjective defined as ' relating to or denoting circumstances in which objective facts are less influential in shaping public opinion than appeals to emotion and and personal belief.' Oxford dictionary's word is the year 2016,

Somewhere someone is out to hide the truth. Find that. That is news. All the rest is merely  advertisement. - Aroon Purie, editor in chief of India Today, quoted in  Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p70

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Quotes Oct 5

Nothing we do in the Christian life, is harder than prayer. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

The further society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those who speak it” George Orwell.

“To be a Christian is, by definition, to be a cross-cultural missionary. So we have to do the hard work of understanding our culture.” @_JohnStevens

The meaning of marriage is the display of the covenant keeping love between Christ and his
people. -John Piper, This momentary marriage, P.15

It is not your love that sustains the marriage, but from now on, the marriage that sustains your love. - Dietrich Bonhoffer, Letters and papers from prison 27 - 28

Quotes Oct 4

He had just about enough intelligence to open his mouth when he wanted to eat, but certainly no more. P. G. Wodehouse

One of the most haunting sentences I have read in recent years is in a memoir of The Troubles by the distinguished journalist Kevin Myers. In Watching the Door, he referred to the nadir of the violence in Northern Ireland. A stage had been arrived at, Myers said, in which people had utterly different perceptions and interpretations of the facts happening around them, interpreting their own versions of events through the lens of their own sectarian side. Even words had become meaningless. “In the absence of an agreed reality,” Myers wrote, the province had gotten to the stage where truth was “whatever you’re having yourself.”- How America Can Recover from the Kavanaugh Confirmation Controversy,  DOUGLAS MURRAY, October 2, 2018,

There are no shortcuts in the Christian life--no simple remedies. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

If a man that is desperately sick today, did believe he
should arise sound the next morning; or a man today,
in despicable poverty, had assurance that he should
tomorrow arise a prince; would they be afraid to go
to bed? --Richard Baxter (1615-1691)
      (In Isaac David Thomas' _The Golden Treasury
       Of Puritan Quotations_ [1975], "Death")

If you want everyone to be happy, don’t be a pastor. Go sell ice cream.- Joshua D Jones

Tuesday, 2 October 2018

Quotes Oct 3

If you are not holy, you are not a Christian. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Most of us would never commit murder, but how often have we taken a neighbour into some dark alley of our thoughts & then torn him limb from limb with a desire for revenge over some petty quarrel. (W Gurnall)

At the age of eleven or thereabouts women acquire a poise and an ability to handle difficult situations which a man, if he is lucky, manages to achieve somewhere in the later seventies. P. G. Wodehouse

“This world is all the hell that ever a true Christian is to endure, and it is all the heaven that unbelievers shall ever enjoy.” - Jonathan Edwards

From the Word of God I gather that damnation is all of man, from top to bottom, and salvation is all of grace, from first to last.- Charles Spurgeon@CHSpurgeon

Monday, 1 October 2018

Quotes Oct 2

Christians are generally at their best, when they are in the furnace of affliction and being persecuted and tried. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

I have pain, there is no arguing against sense; but I have peace, I have peace!.... Oh I thank him, I thank him! The Lord teach you to die!- Richard Baxter,on his deathbed, in John Legg,  The footsteps of God, p.210

I can plod. I can persevere in any definite pursuit. To this I owe everything . - William Carey in John Legg,  The footsteps of God p.258

It is very meet, right, and our bounden duty, that we should, at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, Holy Father, Almighty everlasting God. - Eucharistic prayer, Book of common prayer, 1662

A tsunami of information and misinformation washes up on our digital shores every single minute of the day. People simply no longer now who or what to trust. - Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p.65