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Saturday 17 December 2011

Faith is a living, unshakeable confidence in God's grace;
it is so certain, that someone would die a thousand times for
it. This kind of trust in and knowledge of God's grace makes a
person joyful, confident, and happy with regard to God and all
creatures. This is what the Holy Spirit does by faith. Through
faith, a person will do good to everyone without coercion,
willingly and happily; he will serve everyone, suffer
everything for the love and praise of God, who has shown him
such grace. It is as impossible to separate works from faith as
burning and shining from fire. - Martin Luther (1483-1546), "Preface to the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans", par. 15

No matter how big or soft or warm your bed is, you still have to get out of it.- Grace Slick

Are you indeed Christ's sheep? Then be sure you will have many a trial; where would be the value of a Savior, if there were not enemies to be saved from? Yes! You will have many a trial! Satan has great wrath against all who have escaped his snares, and he will bring every weapon to bear against your peace; he will start many a doubt within your mind, he will stir up many a vile and blasphemous imagination within the chambers of your heart, many a horrid thought you once would have believed impossible—but still remember those words, "never perish." Yes! You will have many a trial!

~ J.C. Ryle,

Tract: The Privileges of the True Christian

Where, then, does happiness lie? In forgetfulness, not
indulgence, of the self. In escape from sensual appetites, not
in their satisfaction. We live in a dark, self-enclosed prison,
which is all we see or know if our glance is fixed ever
downward. To lift it upward, becoming aware of the wide,
luminous universe outside--this alone is happiness. At its
highest level, such happiness is the ecstasy that mystics have
inadequately described. At more humdrum levels, it is human
love; the delights and beauties of our dear earth, its colors
and shapes and sounds; the enchantment of understanding and
laughing, and all other exercise of such faculties as we
possess; the marvel of the meaning of everything, fitfully
glimpsed, inadequately expounded, but ever present.- Malcolm Muggeridge (1903-1990), Jesus Rediscovered,

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