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Monday 29 April 2019

Quotes 30 Apr

I don't know whether we'll have wristwatches on the New Earth, but if we do, we won't be looking at them during worship.--Randy Alcorn (1954-    )

“I confess I would rather, much rather, spend all my time and days in making up and healing the breaches and schisms that are amongst Christians than one hour in justifying our divisions, even therein wherein, on the one side, they are capable of a fair defence. But who is sufficient for such an attempt? The closing of differences amongst Christians is like opening the book in the Revelation, — there is none able or worthy to do it, in heaven or in earth, but the Lamb: when he will put forth the greatness of his power for it, it shall be accomplished, and not before. In the meantime, a reconciliation amongst all Protestants is our duty, and practicable, and had perhaps ere this been in some forwardness of accomplishment had men rightly understood wherein such a reconciliation, according to the mind of God, doth consist. When men have laboured as much in the improvement of the principle of forbearance as they have done to subdue other men to their opinions, religion will have another appearance in the world.”-John Owen, Of Schism (Ch. 1)

Ships are 'she', not 'it' – and we will erode our history if we bow to the PC brigade on this ~ ADMIRAL LORD WEST

There is much to be said for trying to improve some disadvantaged people's lot. There is nothing to be said for trying to create heaven on earth.- Margaret Thatcher@MrsMThatcher

 "to regret religion [...] is to regret our civilisation and its monuments, its achievements, and its legacy". - Dalrymple, Theodore. "What the New Atheists Don't See". City Journal. (Dalrymple is an atheist)

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