If we emphasise the word without the Spirit, then we will dry up, if we emphasise the Spirit without the word we will blow(!), up but if we emphasise the Spirit and the word we will grow up. Owen had his own version of this 'he that would utterly separate the Spirit from the word has as good as burnt his Bible'. - Sinclair B Ferguson, Some pastors and teachers. p. p244, Owen Works III:192
He who was eternally in the form of God, -- that is, was essentially
so, God by nature, equally participant of the same divine nature with
God the Father; "God over all, blessed for ever;" who humbleth himself
to behold the things that are in heaven and earth, -- he takes on him
the nature of man, takes it to be his own, whereby he was no less truly
a man in time than he was truly God from eternity. And to increase the
wonder of this mystery, because it was necessary unto the end he
designed, he so humbled himself in this assumption of our nature, as to
make himself of no reputation in this world, -- yea, unto that degree,
that he said of himself that he was a worm, and no man, in comparison
of them who were of any esteem.- - John Owen, Meditations and Discourses on the Glory of Christ p.229