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Friday 22 June 2018

HB Independence Day 23 Jun 2016

The common law will remain the basis of our legal system, and our Courts will continue to operate as they do at present..- British Government White paper 1971 on the effects of the proposed entry into the European Common Market,, quoted in Margaret Thatcher, The Path to Power, Harper Collins,1995, p210

We've been invaded without a shot being fired. It's been an absolute waste of time going to war in 1914 and 1939. Millions of people died who didn't want a federal Europe and now Tony Blair's surrendering it. If you live in South Africa and you're a patriot, they give you the Nobel Prize, If you live in England and you're a patriot, they call you a bigot. Nobody represents us. ----Tom Bromley, Daily Telegraph (UK), November 8, 2000

We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked but not comprised. We are associated but not absorbed. And should European statesmen address us and say, 'Shall we speak for thee?', we should reply, 'Nay Sir, for we dwell among our own people'. --Winston Churchill - 1953

European integration was a noble idea, born of the desire that France and Germany should not go to war again. - Boris Johnson, Lend Me Your Ears p296

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