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Friday 27 October 2017

Quotes 27 Oct 17

It is a poor faith which can only trust God when friends are true, the body full of health, and the business profitable; but that is true faith which holds by the Lord's faithfulness when friends are gone, when the body is sick, when spirits are depressed, and the light of our Father's countenance is hidden. A faith which can say, in the direst trouble, "Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him," is heaven-born faith.- Spurgeon

“Here (secular humanism) are all the elements for a religious faith that shall not be confined to sect, class, or race. Such a faith has always been the common faith of mankind. It remains for us to make it explicit and militant.”- John Dewey , “A Common Faith” 1935

“They corrupt the word” means “they alter or change its meaning”, yet no one is able to change even a single word from any Book of God. The meaning is that they interpret the word wrongly…The word “Tahrif” [corruption] signifies to change a thing from its original nature; and there is no man who could corrupt a single word of what proceeds from God, so that the Jews and Christians could corrupt only by misrepresenting. - Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas, Muhammad’s cousin and one of his companions

"The man who loves other countries as much as his own stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife."-Theodore Roosevelt

Let us war with the error but still love the brother for the measure of truth which we see in him; above all let us love and spread the truth ourselves. - Spurgeon

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