And then the question that no one dares ask. What if he were guilty of doing this 35 years ago? Does that forever exclude him from public life? If he is lying under oath that would exclude him. If this was a pattern of behaviour over many years then that would exclude him. But are we really saying that anyone who has committed any kind of crime or sin in the past is to be excluded from public office forever? If that standard were applied to all the Senators in that room, I suspect the Judicial committee would be a whole lot smaller. If everyone was judged by what they did when they were teenagers then we would have very few politicians, judges or clergy left!- David Robertson
Anglican sheep want a fence to hedge them from the EU wolf. What they object to most can be summed up in one word: sovereignty. They are fed up of EU rules and regulations, the EU overruling the British Parliament, weak borders and unchecked immigration. Economic objections are secondary. “Sovereignty” was the main reason I supported Brexit.-Jules Gomes
Every day we are changing, every day we are dying,
and yet we fancy ourselves eternal.
-- Jerome (c. 342-420) _Letter 60_