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Sunday, 30 September 2018

Quotes Oct 1

The trouble with man is not intellectual--but moral. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

And then the question that no one dares ask. What if he were guilty of doing this 35 years ago? Does that forever exclude him from public life?   If he is lying under oath that would exclude him. If this was a pattern of behaviour over many years then that would exclude him. But are we really saying that anyone who has committed any kind of crime or sin in the past is to be excluded from public office forever? If that standard were applied to all the Senators in that room, I suspect the Judicial committee would be a whole lot smaller.   If everyone was judged by what they did when they were teenagers then we would have very few politicians, judges or clergy left!- David Robertson

Anglican sheep want a fence to hedge them from the EU wolf. What they object to most can be summed up in one word: sovereignty. They are fed up of EU rules and regulations, the EU overruling the British Parliament, weak borders and unchecked immigration. Economic objections are secondary. “Sovereignty” was the main reason I supported Brexit.-Jules Gomes

Every day we are changing, every day we are dying,
and yet we fancy ourselves eternal.
     -- Jerome (c. 342-420) _Letter 60_

Friday, 28 September 2018

Quotes Sep 29

When a man truly sees himself, he knows that nobody can say anything about him that is too bad. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

He (Calvin) preached directly from the original Hebrew or Greek without notes. - John Legg,  The footsteps of God p. 114

I draw my breath with difficulty and every moment I am in expectation of breathing my last. It is enough that I live and die for Christ, who is to all his followers a gain both in life and death. - Calvin to Farrel pt three weeks before his death,quoted in John Legg,  The footsteps of God, p 125

So they left that goodly and pleasant city (Leyden), which had been there resting place near 12 years. But they knew they were pilgrims, and looked not much on those things, but lifted up their eyes to the heavens, their dearest country, and quieted their spirits. - William Bradford, quoted in John Legg, The footsteps of God, p 198

He(John Eliot) also translated the scriptures into the Algonquin language and by 1663 the whole Bible was available, together with a complete set of metrical Psalms! This was the first Bible printed in any language in North America. - John Legg, The footsteps of God, p 201

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Quotes Sep 28

The tragedy of sin, is that it affects man in his highest faculties. Sin causes us to become fools, and behave in an irrational manner. Modern man, far from being ruled by reason, is ruled by lust and passion. - Martyn Lloyd-Jones

When he came there was no light, when he left there was no darkness. -inscribed on the grave of Peter Milne, after 50 years in the New Hebrides, - in  Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, pp.55

Contemporary western culture has turned the model of one-way missionaries carrying their own coffins into the leisure activity of mission tourism that emphasises comfort, new experiences, self discovery, upgrades and risk-free adventure. -   Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p 56

Calvin tells us that when he was accused of wishing them (the members of the Little Council of Geneva) ill he had replied. 'I wish you so much that I would shared my blood for you'. - John Legg,  The footsteps of God, p 110

We shall have no lasting church unless that ancient apostolic discipline be completely restored which in many respects is much needed among us. The generality of men are much more ready to acknowledge as as preachers than as pastors. -  letter from Calvin to Bullinger quoted in John Legg,  The footsteps of God, p 110

Quotes Sep 27

Before Jesus gave us the Spirit, the Spirit gave us Jesus - @MichaelHorton_

You can be a seminary man with more degrees than Fahrenheit, but if you don’t know how to shepherd your wife and children you don’t qualify to lead in the church.- Gavin Peacock@GPeacock8

Difficulty, hardship, and pain strengthen your faith 
and deepen your message.  You understand more 
and you're more effective in what you have to say to 
others because of how God has worked in your life. 
He equips you to comfort others. 
     --Charles F. Stanley (1932-    ) 
      _Everyday Inspiration_ [2015], "December 12"  

Wednesday, 26 September 2018

Quotes Sep 26

Unless Western Christians turn from their ignorance, apathy and selfishness this stand in grave danger of the Lord's judgement. - Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p.54

"Mr Oncken told me that he was summoned before the burgomaster of Hamburg, who bade him cease from holding religious meetings. "Do you see that little finger?" cried he. "As long as I can move that finger I will put down the Baptists." "Yes", said Mr Oncken, "I see your little finger, and I also see a great arm which YOU cannot see. As long as the great arm of God is lifted on our behalf, your little finger will have no terror for us." "— C.H. Spurgeon

Trials and the hairbreadth escapes only strengthened my faith and nerves me for more to follow; and they trod swiftly enough upon each other's heels. Without that abiding consciousness of the presence and power of my Lord and saviour, nothing in the world could have preserved  me from losing my reason and perishing miserably. His words 'Lo I am with you always even until the end', it Became to me so real that it would not have startled me to behold Him, as Stephen did, gazing down upon the scene. It is the sober truth that I had my nearest and most intimate glimpses of the presence of my Lord in those dread moments when musket, club or spear was being levelled at my life. - John Paton, quoted in  Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p.54

Monday, 24 September 2018

Quotes Sep 25

Faith makes me certain of what God has promised, assured of what I cannot see. - Paul Levy, Sermon on Hebrews 11 , International Presbyterian Church Ealing, 23 September 2018

Every society begins Stoic and ends Epicurean. - Linette Martin, Practical Praying, p.99

His grandfather's title deed to his croft ...  reserves all 'sand and gravel stone and freestone', a clause found useful all over Sutherland when the second duke threw his weight against the founding of the free Church in 1843 and refused to let churches or manses for 'recusants' be built either on his land all with his stone. - David Craig, On the Crofters' Trail,  P. 134

'95% of the people here wen over', that is. they joined the Free Church in 1843. A rare exception was a woman who is named her hands after ministers and elders. When most of these men went over, she slaughtered her whole flock except the lucky ones named after the  few who stayed. - David Craig, On the Crofters' Trail,  P. 135

In 2013, the Huffibgton Post reported that British Muslims give more to charity than any other religious group. On average, a Muslim gives £371 per year, a Jew gives £270, but the Christian gives only £178, and an atheist gives only £116  per year to charity - quoted in  Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity, p.51

Sunday, 23 September 2018

Quotes Sep 24

A Jesus did not perform miracles, but only pretended that he did, would not be worth  following. -  David Robertson, Magnificent Obsession, P 47

... Let us come near, and fill ourselves with Christ, and let his friends drink, and be drunken ... Drink, and spare not; drink love,and be drunken with Christ! - Samuel Rutherford, Letters,  quoted in 2000 years of Christ's power Nick Needham Page 407

”Outside the gates of Jerusalem, we saw indeed no living object, heard no living sound”, wrote French poet Alphonse de Lamartine about his visit in 1835.
”The country is in a considerable degree empty of inhabitants and therefore its greatest need is that of a body of population.” wrote British Consul James Finn in his 1857 description of the Holy Land.”Palestine sits in a sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that withered its fields and fettered its energies. …Palestine is desolate and unlovely….It is a hopeless dreary, heartbroken land.” wrote American author Mark Twain in his description of his visit in 1867.- Arab Historian Admits there is No Palestinian People, Judith Bergman 09/11/2017

'Our hearts have 'a blame retardant coating'. Iaian Duguid

Friday, 21 September 2018

Quotes Sep 22

Nothing is too small that God that does not care. Nothing is too big that He cannot handle.- Steven Lawson@DrStevenJLawson

The pain of loneliness arises from the constitution
of our nature.  God made us for each other.  The
desire for human companionship is completely natural
and right.  The loneliness of the Christian results
from his walk with God in an ungodly world, a walk
that must often take him away from the fellowship
of good Christians as well as from that of the
unregenerate world.
His God-given instincts cry out for companionship
with others of his kind, others who can understand
his longings, his aspirations, his absorption in the
love of Christ; and because within his circle of
friends there are so few who share his inner
experiences, he is forced to walk alone.
The unsatisfied longings of the prophets for human
understanding caused them to cry out in their complaint,
and even our Lord Himself suffered in the same way.
- hide quoted text -
--A. W. Tozer (1897-1963)
      _Man: The Dwelling Place of God_ [2013],
      "The Saint Must Walk Alone"

It is not possible to have  reasonable grounds  for not believing in miracles. - Blaise Pascal

The believers in miracles accept them (rightly or wrongly)  because they have a evidence for them. The disbelievers in miracles deny them (rightly or wrongly) because they have a doctrine against them. - - GK Chesterton, Orthodoxy

Post-modernism is a denial of the fixity of the past, apart from what the historian chooses to make fit, and thus of any objective truth about the past. Postmodernist history recognises no reality principle, only the pleasure principle - history at the pleasure of the historian. - Gertrude Himmelfarb, The Spectator, 31 January 2009 P 29

Thursday, 20 September 2018

Quotes Sep 21

For it is the very essence of biblical faith to be about real historical events. It does not tell stories symbolising supra historical truths, but is based on history, history that took place here on this earth - Pope Benedict XVI,  Jesus of Nazareth from the baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration, p xv

The Bible will give Christ to you, in an intimacy so close that he would be less visible to you if he stood before your eyes. - Erasmus cited in John Stott,  The incomparable Christ Page 15

The 'evangelical' liberal, Rob Bell, likened the virgin birth to one brick in a wall of theology. 'What do you lose if you lose that one brick?' - to which the best reply was that of Mark Driscoll: 'Nothing, except Jesus.' - Magnificent Obsession,  David Robertson, p36. I'm doing the so shall do it

Of the tribute payable by all the Hausa States to Sokoto, at least three quarters is paid in slaves. We were informed, on what appeared credible authority, that the King of Adamawa sends annually ten thousand slaves.- - Charles A Robinson, Hausaland, - p131 1896

All decays begin in the closet; no heart thrives with out much secret converse with God, and nothing will make amends for the want of it. ... A Christian never falls asleep in the fire or in the water, but grows drowsy in the sunshine. John Berridge 1716-1793

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Quotes Sep 20

Even when we believe with all our minds that life is meaningless, we simply can’t live that way. We know better. We know God is there. - Tim Keller Wisdom @DailyKeller

The only point in which the Liberians excel, perhaps, all the other inhabitants of the globe, is in their amazing self-conceit. Their army, I was informed, consists of 1000 men, 998 of whom regard themselves as officers.- Charles A Robinson, Hausaland, p53 1900

Whilst the Fulahs are a shrewd and intriguing race of soldiers and diplomatists, caring little for trade but passionately desirous of obtaining for themselves dominion and power, the Hausas are a quiet commercial people, who carry their manufactures far beyond the limits of their own country, but with little or no ambition to interfere with the political constitution of the countries in which they trade.- Charles A Robinson, Hausaland, p79 1900

There are usually about five hundred slaves at a time on sale in Kano market, and they are bartered for and so in just the same way as other merchandise. - Charles A Robinson, Hausaland, - p124 1900

I think a fact which admits of no doubt whatever, that at the very least one-third (in Hausaland)  are in a state of slavery.- Charles A Robinson, Hausaland, - p127 1900

Quotes Sep 19

When godly men lead and love, godly women follow and flourish.- Gavin Peacock@GPeacock8

“Regardless of a man's system, he has to live in God's world.” – Francis Schaeffer

"The modern mind will accept nothing on authority, but will accept anything on no authority."- G. K. Chesterton

Why should universities teach literacy and math skills, anyway? The idea that such abilities are valuable is an arbitrary, socially-constructed presumption, designed to bolster the power claims of the current elite. Did I get it right, postmodernists? - Jordan B Peterson@jordanbpeterson

 “the natives can acquire a native language in about one-fiftieth of the time that it takes the most expert European linguist to do so.” - O. Temple and C. L. Temple, Notes on the Tribes, Provinces, Emirates and States of the Northern Provinces of Nigeria second edition (Lagos: C.M.S. Bookshop, ,1922), p. 406.quoted in John Edward Philips, Causes of the Jihad of Usman Ɗan Fodio: A Historiographical Review

Monday, 17 September 2018

Quotes Sep 18

I went down to Salisbury
To listen to the choir,
A pair of Russian tourists
They were staring up the spire,
Staring up the spire, they were,
Silent and aghast,
Against the sky, hurtling by,
A piggy flying past.
Pam Ayres@PamAyres

Here in the West, there are lots of liberal Christians.  Some of them have assumed a kind of reverse mission: instead of being the church’s missionaries to the world, they have become the world’s missionaries to the church.  They devote their moral energies to trying to make the church more democratic, to assure equal rights for women, to legitimize homosexual marriage, and so on.  A small but influential segment of liberal Christianity rejects all the central doctrines of Christianity.  H. Richard Niebuhr famously summed up their credo: “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a cross."
-- Dinesh D'Souza, What's So Great About Christianity?"

“As a Christian church we really don’t regard pride as a virtue – there is a lot to be said for humility.   We don’t agree with the somewhat confused and simplistic message of these Pride marches.  However we recognise that people have a right to march for their cause and to express their views.    We won’t be going to the march, but nor will we be organising a counter march.     We hope however that, at a time of council cuts and shortages,  public money will not be spent on funding and helping promote one view.   If the Council were to fund this march then surely they would be duty bound in the name of love, equality, diversity and tolerance to fund a Christian Humility march?!    We also reject the simplistic narrative that those who are opposed to these marches are necessarily homophobic.  There are some gay activists who have come to deplore the commercialisation and corporate sponsorship of many of these events.    We would hope in a pluralistic society that we would be given the freedom and opportunity to express our view that the traditional Christian view of sex, sexuality and family is the best for our culture and to be allowed to question the sexual philosophy of our cultural elites, which, in our view, is wrecking havoc in our communities. We remind people that the rainbow is a Christian symbol speaking of a covenant keeping God who lovingly warns us of the consequences of turning away from his ways and who delights to show mercy. We would also like to point to the need of all of us to repent and seek the face of God.   The Pride marchers talk about Love…we follow the One who is Love and would want all, whatever their sexuality, to know Him.”- David Robertson
How Should the Church React to Inverness/Stornoway Gay Pride?,

Sunday, 16 September 2018

Quotes Sep 17

“England is perhaps the only great country whose intellectuals are ashamed of their own nationality. In left-wing circles it is always felt that there is something slightly disgraceful in being an Englishman.”- George Orwell, 1941.

The most important you can ever train your child to do is to worship the Triune God of grace ... Do we sit with our children 'in church' or 'in worship'? -  Daniel R Hyde

Simplifying to the extreme, I define postmodern as incredulity towards metanarratives.- Jean-François Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (1979)

One of the reasons why so few people are to be found
who seem sensible and pleasant in conversation is
that almost everybody is thinking about what he wants
to say himself rather than about answering clearly
what is being said to him.
--Francois de La Rochefoucauld (1613-1680) _Maxims_ [1678], Maxim 139

The children are an indispensable part of the worshipping community, incorporated into the Christian community at baptism not as second-class church members to be merely tolerated, but as deeply cherished gifts of God to be embraced. They enter the church community as those called, like people of all ages, to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ' (2 Peter 3:18). And they enter the church community as both students, but also in an important sense as teachers and models, demonstrating time and time again the sheer grace childlike trust. - Sean D Witvliet, Carolyn Institute of Christian worship, Calvin College and Calvin theological seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan

Friday, 14 September 2018

Quotes Sep 15

The effect of the word of the Gospel, is to lead men to renounce their pride and their obstinacy, to bring down every high thought which exalteth itself, and reduce the senses and the affections of men to obedience unto Christ. - John Calvin@JohnCalvinDaily

Theology students at Glasgow University studying the course Creation to Apocalypse: introduction to the Bible (level one) are being given trigger warnings that the scenes of the crucifixion may be upsetting. The university authorities explain. 'we have an absolute duty of care for all our students and where it is felt course material may cause potential upset or concert, warnings may be given.'- Peter Mullen, Trigger warnings and safe spaces to make sure young people are never challenged by by ideas, The Free Nation,  September 2018

Is time that the government realised that the EU stands to lose much from no deal being agreed and stop being  cowed by the EU's threats -Jacob Rees-Mogg, Letter to Conservative Association Chairman and Conservative MPs, August 2018 quoted in The Free Nation,  September 2018, P, 13.
The real issue at stake is 'Who governs Britain?' Is it an elected Parliament sitting at Westiminister, through tried and tested institutions built over centuries, or an unelected bureaucracy sitting in a foreign capital? I know the answer to that and so did 17,410,722 people who voted in the referendum on June 23, 2016, when they voted by a majority to leave, - Lord Stoddart, Have your say on Brexit  event for Freedom of Association members. High Wycombe, 4th August 2018

Thursday, 13 September 2018

Quotes Sep 14

Post-modernism is Pontius Pilate personified, mockingly asking Jesus, 'What is truth?'.--Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity p 2

Servant of God, well done! Well hast thou fought
The better fight, who single hast maintained        
Against revolted multitudes the cause
Of truth, in word mightier than they in arms,
And for the testimony of truth hast borne
Universal reproach, far worse to bear
Than violence; for this was all thy care—        
To stand approved in sight of God, though worlds
Judged thee perverse.
John Milton, Paradise Lost,  book6:29-37

"If one studies church history carefully, there are about five different times when it looks as if the church has gone to the dogs, but that, in the end, all five times it was the dogs who died" - G.K. Chesterton

“The Christian must understand what confronts him antagonistically in his own moment of history. Otherwise he simply becomes a useless museum piece and not a living warrior for Jesus Christ.” -- Francis Schaeffer

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Quotes Sep 13

If religion is worth any thing, it is worth every thing;
an indifference here is inexcusable: Why halt you
between two opinions?  If God be God, follow him;
if Baal (be God), follow him.  Here is no room for
neutrality. An open enemy shall have a fairer quarter than
a perfidious neuter; and there is more hope of
a heathen than of such.  Christ expects that men
should declare themselves in earnest either for
him or against him. --Matthew Henry (1662-1714)
      _Commentary On The Whole Bible_ [1981],
      "Revelation 3:15-16"

“Children are an indispensable part of the worshipping community, incorporated into the Christian community at baptism not as second-class church members to be merely tolerated, but as deeply cherished gifts of God to be embraced. They enter the church community as those called, like people of all ages, to ‘grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’ (2 Peter 3:18). And they enter the church community as both students, but also in an important sense as teachers and models, demonstrating time and time again the sheer grace of childlike trust.”
-John D Witvliet, Calvin Institute of Christian Worship

;'lBear with me, I beseech you, Madam, if I choose rather to offend your earthly majesty,  than t offend the heavenly majesty of God. - Archbishop Grindal,  letter to Elizabeth I, 20th of December 1576 in which he refused to suppress Puritan prophesyings, quoted  in 2000 years of Christ's power,  Nick Needham, p.197

Could I possess that tinker's abilities for preaching, I will gladly relinquish all my learning.- John Owen on Bunyan,  quoted  in 2000 years of Christ's power,  Nick Needham, p.326

Baptist Elizabeth Gaunt was tried for attempting to help another refugee (after the battle of Sedgemoor) flee the country; ... and was actually burnt alive -  the last woman to be punished by this method in England.- 2000 years of Christ's power,  Nick Needham, p. 329

Tuesday, 11 September 2018

Quotes Sep 12

"If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time" Zig Ziglar

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.- Desmond Tutu

Post-modernism is Pontius Pilate personified, mockingly asking Jesus, 'What is truth?'.--Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity p 2

So what is the difference between someone who wilfully indulges in sexual pleasures while ignoring the Bible on more purity and someone who wilfully fully indulgence in the selfish pursuit of more and more material possessions while ignoring the Bible on caring for the poor? The difference is that one involves a social taboo in the church and the other involves the social norm in the church. - David Platt quoted in -Patrick Sookhdeo, The death of Western Christianity p 42

Monday, 10 September 2018

Quotes Sep 11

 He gives us more grace when the burdens grow greater,
he sends us more strength when the labours increase;
to greater affliction he adds his great mercy,
to multiplied trials, his multiplied peace.

Something tells me you're expecting me to call Jeremy Corbyn an antisemite. There's been a bit about it in the press, and I... well, you know...
But I'm not going to call him anything. He says he isn't an antisemite, Hamas says he isn't an antisemite, the white supremacist David Duke says he isn't an antisemite, and that's good enough for me.
Am I being ironical? Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm incapable of irony.
We know what an antisemite look like. He wears jackboots, a swastika arm-band, and shouts Juden Raus; Jeremy Corbyn wears a British Home Stores vest under his shirt and is softly spoken.  Antisemites accuse Jews of killing Jesus; Corbyn is an atheist and seems not to mind if we did or didn't. Whether that's because Jesus was Jewish and killing him meant one less Jew in the world, is not for me to say.- Howard Jacobson delivered this on September 6 in favour of the Motion - "Jeremy Corbyn is Unfit to be Prime Minister" - at a debate organised by Intelligence Squared.

If I may quote from Oscar Wilde's missing play The Self-Importance of Being Jeremy- 'To associate with one antisemite you don't know to be antisemitic, Mr Corbyn, may be regarded as a misfortune, to associate with antisemites on a regular basis looks like a predilection.'- ibid

The Church that forgets to say “we must obey God rather than human authorities” has forgotten what it means to be the Church. The spirit of the age is in any case notoriously fickle. You might as well, walking in the mist, take a compass bearing on a mountain goat. N T Wright

The world's theology is easy to define. It is the view . . . that human beings are basically good, that no one is really lost, that belief in Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation. - James Montgomery Boice

Sunday, 9 September 2018

Quotes Sep 10

Evil plays a victim card and cries for tolerance - until it achieves the power it seeks.
Then it attacks the good.- Joshua D Jones@BlueCheezWhisky

"The whole Bible's teaching gives us a series of balances that no one verse can give. This takes a lifetime of careful study." ~ Dr. Francis Schaeffer, Basic Bible Studies

It is absurd for the Evolutionist to complain that it is unthinkable for an admittedly unthinkable God to make everything out of nothing, and then pretend that it is more thinkable that nothing should turn itself into anything. --G K Chesterton {Saint Thomas Aquinas, Garden City, NY: Doubleday Image, 1933, p. 174}

Apart from an outside supernatural assistance,
society goes from bad to worse until deterioration
is universal.  Not evolution but devolution is the
law of man without God. . . .
With all of our boasted mechanical civilization, a
day might come when our modern towers of Babel
would be as forgotten as the first, when Americans
would cease to exist as a race as the Babylonians
and Medes have ceased to exist, when Washington
would be a contested locality like the capital of the
Aztec civilization, and when the Constitution of the
United States would be the hopeless search of
the world's archaeologists.
--Fulton John Sheen (1895-1979)
      _The Prodigal World_ [1936]

Heaven is above all yet; there sits a judge
That no king can corrupt.
     --William Shakespeare (1564-1616)
      _King Henry VIII_ [1613]; Act III, Scene I, Line 113

Friday, 7 September 2018

Quotes Sep 8

“Truth forever on the scaffold, Wrong forever on the throne,—
Yet that scaffold sways the future, and, behind the dim unknown,
Standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above his own.”
―James Russell Lowell Mcdonald

"Death is the funeral of all our sorrows." Thomas Watson

Courage is contagious.  When a brave man takes a
stand, the spines of others are often stiffened.
     --Billy Graham (1918-    )
      _Reader's Digest_ [July 1964], "A Time For Moral Courage"

What philosophers prove one year,
philosophers disprove another year.
     --C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892)
      _Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit_, Volume 34 [1888]

Another such victory over the Romans, and we are undone.
     --Pyrrhus (c. 318-272 BC)
      (Referring to the victory at the Battle of Asculum
       in 279 BC where he suffered devastation.

Quotes Sep 7

"...all people are philosophers, for all people have a world-view. This is as true of the man digging a ditch as it is of the philosopher in the university." ~ Dr. Francis Schaeffer, He is There and He is Not Silent

WE DENY that, other than the previously stated connection to Adam, any person is morally culpable for another person’s sin. Although families, groups, and nations can sin collectively, and cultures can be predisposed to particular sins, subsequent generations share the collective guilt of their ancestors only if they approve and embrace (or attempt to justify) those sins. - The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel.

I'd rather see America save her soul than her face.
     --Norman Mattoon Thomas (1884-1968)
      (Speech before an antiwar protest at
       Washington, D.C.; November 27, 1965)

If I knew what I was so anxious about, I wouldn't be so anxious. - Unk

“Be you ever so high, the law is above you.” - Lord Denning

Wednesday, 5 September 2018

Quotes Sep 6

The weaning that brings us to contentment in the Lord takes place through loss. Every experience in life in which we are deprived of what we naturally want becomes the means by which our Father gives us what he knows we really need. S Ferguson in Deserted by God, p138

"With an elite providing the arbitrary absolutes, not just TV but the general apparatus of the mass media can be a vehicle for manipulation. There is no need for collusion or a plot. All that is needed is that the world-view of the elite and the world-view of the central news media coincide."~ Dr. Francis Schaeffer, How Should We Then Live?

There is grace for it all today. For all the inner struggles, for all the outward temptations, for all the disappointments and opportunities, for all the pain and dashed dreams, for every relationship and ministry moment...there is grace.- Paul David Tripp @PaulTripp

WE DENY that true justice can be culturally defined or that standards of justice that are merely socially constructed can be imposed with the same authority as those that are derived from Scripture. We further deny that Christians can live justly in the world under any principles other than the biblical standard of righteousness. Relativism, socially-constructed standards of truth or morality, and notions of virtue and vice that are constantly in flux cannot result in authentic justice.- The Statement on Social Justice & the Gospel.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Quotes Sep 5

As Christians, we are called to die.Unless our ego dies and is buried, our intimacy, courage, and love will never be raised in newness of life with Christ.-
Joshua D Jones@BlueCheezWhisky

Man is so made that he can only find relaxation from
one kind of labor by taking up another.
     --Anatole France (1844-1924)
      _The Crime Of Sylvestre Bonnard_ [1881]

What makes you different, makes you dangerous.
     --Tagline of the film "Divergent," 2014

Sometimes a man can meet his destiny on the road
he took to avoid it.
     --"Louis Salinger" (Clive Owen)
       (In the film _The International_ [2009],
        written by Eric Singer)

TRUTH AND LOVE CONFERENCE?: "We have conferences about everything else. Who has ever heard of a conference to consider how true Christians can exhibit in practice a fidelity to the holiness of God and yet simultaneously exhibit in practice a fidelity to the love of God before the watching world?? ~ Dr. Francis Schaeffer, The Mark of a Christian

Monday, 3 September 2018

Quotes Sep 4

"The exercise of brotherly love is not only a testimony unto the world, but it is also evidence to Christians themselves of their regeneration" (1John 3:14)  A. W. Pink 1886-1952)

“Tribes, peoples, and nations all make their own particular contribution to the enrichment of life in the new Jerusalem… The great diversity that exists among people in all sorts of ways is not destroyed in eternity but it is cleansed from all that is sinful and made serviceable to fellowship with God and each other.” (Herman Bavinck, Reformed Dogmatics, vol. 3, p. 727)

“After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes.” (Revelation 7.9)

Sunday, 2 September 2018

Quotes 3 Sep

I still don't understand how someone's reproductive system can simultaneously be 0% not my business AND 100% my financial responsibility.- Charlie Kirk@charliekirk11

Guilt is shy of God's presence.—Thomas Manton

"I have worked with shipyard workers, mill workers, all kinds of people (as well as, when I was younger, personally working on farms, a huckster waggon, in factories, and so on), and I am convinced that these people often have the same questions as the intellectual; the only thing is that they do not articulate them, or if they do articulate them it is not in the same terminology. I know these people, and I am convinced that the things we are talking about can be talked about to almost anyone--all one has to do is to shift gears in language. Incidentally, that too is love."~ Francis Schaeffer, The Question of Apologetics, Appendx A to The God Who Is There

Are you a politician who says to himself: "I will
use my country for my own benefit? . . .
Or are you a devoted patriot, who whispers in the
ear of his inner self:  "I love to serve my country
as a faithful servant."
--Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931)_The New Frontier_ [1931]