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Monday 6 November 2017

Quotes 7 Nov 17

Life in modern liberal democracies is to some extent thin or shallow and that life in modern Western Europe in particular has lost its sense of purpose.  - Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe, p 258

"Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different " - c.s. Lewis

Darkness surrounds us always: "Then, as now, there was a growing darkness and great deeds were done that were not wholly in vain". Neither optimism (this is the last war and after it all will be lovely forever) nor pessimism (this is the last war and all civilization will end), you notice. No. The darkness comes again and again and is never wholly triumphant nor wholly defeated." - Lewis quoting J. R. R. Tolkien

Love listening to our panicked politicians telling us that we need a strategy for ethical/morals.  We do...its called the 10 commandments! - David Robertson‏ @theweeflea

“It is more significant that God walked on earth than that man walked on the moon…my own life is given purpose and perspective through God who walks on this earth in Jesus. In that sense we are a visited planet!” ..“It was my experience in exploring the moon on the Apollo 15 mission that moved me to devote the rest of my life to spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.”-Apollo 15 astronaut, Colonel James Benson Irwin

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