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Monday 30 July 2018

Quotes 31 Jul.

The ideological goal of third-wave feminism was not equality of men and women. It was the overthrow of the God of the Bible and the destruction of the traditional family. ‘Feminism began with the deconstruction of a Judeo-Christian view of womanhood (the right to name self); progressed to the deconstruction of manhood, gender relationships, family/societal structures, and a Judeo-Christian worldview (the right to name the world); and concluded with the concept of metaphysical pluralism, self-deification, and the rejection of the Judeo-Christian deity (the right to name God),’ Mary Kassian, The Feminist Mistake: The Radical Impact of Feminism on Church and Culture,

‘Feminism hadn’t been about equal rights for a long time. The goal was renunciation of heterosexuality and the destruction of the family and the church – social structures that cannot exist without the union of man and woman in marriage.’ - Gabriele Kuby

Part of the reason the Church of England surrendered so soon to the onslaught of feminism is its inherent leanings towards socialism and its left wing ideology of egalitarianism. Anglican feminists accepted both the basis and the strategy proposed by Simone de Beauvoir in her book The Second Sex. De Beauvoir declared that women needed to identify themselves as a group and collectively declare war on men. Equality would be achieved only by destroying male superiority and by refusing to succumb to a traditional role. In this case, it would mean elevating women to the priesthood and episcopate.- Jules Gomes,, How feminist “Dambusters” destroyed the Church of England beyond repair, July 24, 2018

Anxiety (Not clinical, but rather the regular angst we have) is a daily statement to God saying, "I don't think you have my best interest in mind."- Timothy Keller

Whoever has been cut to the quick and overwhelmed with a sense of their own sin will surely seek the grace offered to him in Jesus Christ, and the world will be worth nothing to him. - John Calvin @JohnCalvinDaily

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