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Tuesday 10 April 2018

Quotes 10 Apr 18

Chance is a nickname for Providence.--Nicolas Chamfort (1741-1794) _Maxims And Thoughts_ [1805]

Of ourselves we know no more about the nature of God than beetles know about the nature of humans - Zwingli

We need to know the difference between how things are, and how they ought to be, or what do we live and die for?-

“The most damnable and pernicious heresy that has ever plagued the mind of man was the idea that somehow he could make himself good enough to deserve to live with an all-holy God.” - Martin Luther

Marx's real title to greatness and certainly his greatest claim upon the gratitude of the working-class rests on his discovery of the truth that history is but the record of class struggles ....with each succeeding struggle the boundaries of human freedom have been enlarged and now that his theory is that the record of class and now the final stage of the struggle has been entered upon. It was the inspired vision of Karl Marx which first formulated as scientific facts the inevitable coming of the glorious time. Little wonder that his memory is consecrated treasure enshrined in the hearts of millions of the best men and women of all lands - Keir Hardie, Karl Marx the man and his message 1910 page 30quoted in Labour and the Gulag.  Giles Udy  Page 63

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