“God made Eve of the rib of Adam; and his church he frames out of the very flesh, the very wounded and bleeding side, of the Son of man” John Owen, The Glory of Christ(Page 282)
“All these reasonings are built upon this supposition, that that which is finite can perfectly comprehend that which is infinite,- an assertion absurd, foolish and contradictory unto itself.”John Owen, The Glory of Christ(Page 412)
If you follow Jesus, this life is as bad as it gets. Ahead is better.If you don't, this life is as good as it gets. Ahead is worse.- Joshua D Jones@BlueCheezWhisky
Whenever monarchs err, the people are punished.-Horace, Epistles, I. 2. 14.
“The first arrivals benefited Europe by bringing a different culture, their vibrancy and their cuisine. But what did the 10 millionth bring that was different from all those before? The European public was far ahead of the politicians in recognising that the benefits were not endless. Long before the politicians notice, the public already knew that a continent which imports the world’s people also import the world’s problems. And contrary to the race relations industry, it turned out that the immigrants into Europe often exhibited far more differences than similarities to the resident populations and towards each other, and that the larger the numbers the greater the dissimilarities.” -Douglas Murray – The Strange Death of Europe (Page 302)