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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The attributes of God, once so full of terror, are become [the Christian’s] shield, his stronghold, and his triumph; and he can think of all the glorious perfections of the Almighty, and then say, “I will go unto God, my exceeding joy.” His resistless power, His infinite wisdom, His unchanging fidelity to His word – all these are sources of triumph to everyone who, having believed in Christ, has become a child of God.- John MacDuff, The Throne of Grace, Alexander Strahan Publishers, 1865.

Children of God... will you not bear witness, that, through all your trials and troubles, the faithfulness of your Savior's love has been the “very joy of your hearts?” You have had many crosses and losses – has He ever deserted you? You have been in severe afflictions, and have seen the flowers of many a “sweet hope” wither and decay – did your Friend desert you then? Others may have proved faithless – all other help may have failed you – friendship’s help, promised help, expected help – all, all may have been but as the foam upon the billow, as the footsteps in the sand – but, has Christ ever failed you? Could you, in the darkest and the saddest hour of your grief, say to Him? “Lord, You have promised what You did not perform.” Will you not bear witness concerning the past? – “Not one good thing has failed, of all that the Lord has promised – all has come to pass.”-John MacDuff, The Throne of Grace, Alexander Strahan Publishers, 1865.

If man is not fit to govern himself, how can he be fit to govern someone else?.- James Madison, 1751 - 1836

The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse.- James Madison, 1751 - 1836

When a man is getting better, he understands more and more clearly the evil that is still in him. When a man is getting worse, he understands his own badness less and less.C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

When a person turns to Christ empty—that they may be filled; sick—that they may be healed; hungry—that they may be satisfied; thirsty—that they may be refreshed; needy—that they may be enriched; dying—that they may have life; lost—that they may be saved; guilty—that they may be pardoned; sin-defiled—that they may be cleansed; confessing that Christ alone can supply their need—then they come to Christ. This, and nothing more than this, is coming to Christ.~ J.C. Ryle, Tract: Come!

The best Christian has not always a joyous day. Our sins make sorrows needful – our lack of watchfulness may bring disquietude and doubt, and, instead of “rejoicing in the Lord,” our hearts may be filled with despondency and gloom. Christian! if you have not this joy “abiding” in you now, you have cause for alarm; for, be assured, it is suspended, not from any lack of love on the part of your Savior, nor from any forgetfulness of you by the Holy Spirit, but, because you yourself have become less watchful, in guarding the citadel of the heart.
- John MacDuff, The Throne of Grace, Alexander Strahan Publishers, 1865.

Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters..- Albert Einstein, 1879 - 1955

Example isn't another way to teach, it is the only way to teach..- Albert Einstein, 1879 - 1955

If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or objects.

Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not.- Albert Einstein, 1879 - 1955

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Settle it firmly in your mind that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself has spoken most plainly about the reality and eternity of hell. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus contains things which should make men tremble. But it does not stand alone. No lips have used so many words to express the awfulness of hell, as the lips of Him who spoke as never man spoke, and who said, "The word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s which sent Me" (John 14:24). Hell, hell fire, the damnation of hell, eternal damnation, the resurrection of damnation, everlasting fire, the place of torment, destruction, outer darkness, the worm that never dies, the fire that is not quenched, the place of weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, everlasting punishment—these are the words which the Lord Jesus Christ Himself employs. Away with the miserable nonsense which people talk in this day, who tell us that the ministers of the gospel should never speak of hell! They only show their own ignorance, or their own dishonesty, when they talk in such a manner. No person can honestly read the four Gospels and fail to see that they who would follow the example of Christ must speak of hell.~ J.C. Ryle

Holiness: Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots, “A Woman to be Remembered”, [Moscow, ID: Charles Nolan Publishing, 2001], 209, 210.

Prayer is the acid test of devotion.- Samuel Chadwick

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.
-- Theodore Roosevelt
Lord, often have I thought to myself, I will sin but this
one sin more, and then I will repent of it, and of all the rest
of my sins together. So foolish was I, and ignorant. As if I
should be more able to pay my debts when I owe more: or as if I
should say, I will wound my friend once again, and then I will
lovingly shake hands with him; but what if my friend will not
shake hands with me?-Thomas Fuller (1608-1661), Good Thoughts in Bad Times [1645], Chicago: United Society of Christian Endeavor, Boston, 1898, XXIII

We have forgotten that evil is infectious, as infectious as
small-pox; and we do not perceive that if we allow whole
departments of our life to become purely secular, and to create
and maintain moral or immoral standards of their own, in time
the whole of life is bound to become corrupt.-G. A. Studdert Kennedy (1883-1929), The Wicket Gate, London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1923, p. 225-226

It's faith in something and enthusiasm for something that makes life worth living.- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, 1841 - 1935

Do not pray for more of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity and is not in pieces. Every child of God has all of Him, but does He have all of us?-Julia Kellersberger

There is a general kind of praying which fails for lack of precision. It is as if a regiment of soldiers should all fire off their guns anywhere. Possibly somebody would be killed, but the majority of the enemy would be missed.- C.H. Spurgeon

What are our lame praises in comparison with His love?
Nothing, and less than nothing; but love will stammer rather
than be dumb.-Robert Leighton (1611-1684), A Practical Commentary Upon the First Epistle of St. Peter, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1849, p. 45

Friday, 25 November 2011

There is one thing that the enemy cannot do, and that is, he cannot prevent Paul from praying. He can still pray. The enemy can confine him to a cell, he can bolt and bar doors, he can chain him to soldiers, he can put bars in the windows, he can hem him in and confine him physically, but he can never obstruct the way from the heart of the humblest believer to the heart of the Eternal God.- Martyn Lloyd-Jones (The Unsearchable Riches of Christ)

In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress. -- John Adams

The nobility of a human being is strictly independent of that of his
convictions. - Jean Rostand

When God is about to bestow some great blessing on His church, it is often His manner, in the first place, so to order things in His providence as to show His church their great need of it, and to bring them into distress for want of it, and so put them upon crying earnestly to Him for it.-Jonathan Edwards

One good man,--one man who does not put his religion on
once a week with his Sunday coat, but wears it for his working
dress, and lets the thought of God grow into him, and through
and through him, till everything he says and does becomes
religious, that man is worth a thousand sermons--he is a living
Gospel--he comes in the spirit and power of Elias--he is the
image of God. And men see his good works, and admire them in
spite of themselves, and see that they are Godlike, and that
God's grace is no dream, but that the Holy Spirit is still
among men, and that all nobleness and manliness is His gift,
His stamp, His picture; and so they get a glimpse of God again
in His saints and heroes, and glorify their Father who is in
heaven.-Charles Kingsley (1819-1875), Twenty-five Village Sermons, London: John W. Parker, 1858, p. 197-198
Humanism is not wrong in its cry for sociological healing, but humanism is not producing it.- Francis A. Schaeffer (1912-1984), Pollution and the Death of Man [1970], reprint, Good News Publishers, 1992, p. 74

The true antidote against despondency in God's work, is an abiding recollection of such promises as that before us. There are "wages" laid up for faithful reapers. They shall receive a reward at the last day, far exceeding anything they have done for Christ - a reward proportioned not to their success, but to the quantity of their work. They are gathering "fruit," which shall endure when this world has passed away - fruit, in some souls saved, if many will not believe, and fruit in evidences of their own faithfulness, to be brought out before assembled worlds. Do our hands ever hang down, and our knees wax faint? Do we feel disposed to say, "my labor is in vain and my words without profit." Let us lean back at such seasons on this glorious promise. There are "wages" yet to be paid. There is "fruit" yet to be exhibited. "We are a sweet savor of Christ, both in those who are saved and in those who perish." (2 Cor. 2:15). Let us work on. "He that goes forth and weeps, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." (Psalm 126:6). One single soul saved, shall outlive and outweigh all the kingdoms of the world.~ J.C. Ryle Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: John, volume 1, [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1987], 241. {John 4:31-42}

Mothers, don’t let anyone ever dupe you into thinking there’s anything ignoble or disgraceful about remaining at home and raising your family. Don’t buy the lie that you’re repressed if you’re a worker in the home instead of in the world’s workplace. Devoting yourself fully to your role as wife and mother is not repression; it is true liberation. Multitudes of women have bought the world’s lie, put on a suit, picked up a briefcase, dropped their children off for someone else to raise, and gone into the workplace, only to realize after fifteen years that they and their children have a hollow void in their hearts. Many such career women now say they wish they had devoted themselves to motherhood and the home instead.-John MacArthur,Successful Christian Parenting, Word Publishing, 1998, p. 195.

Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul.- Douglas MacArthur

Those who in quarrels intepose
Must often wipe a bloody nose.
- John Gay, 1685 - 1732

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Let those who persecute God's people in the present day take heed what they are doing. Let them know that all who injure, or ridicule, or mock, or slander others on account of their religion, commit a great sin. Let them know that Christ takes notice of every one who persecutes his neighbor because he is better than himself, or because he prays, reads his Bible, and thinks about his soul. He lives who said, "he that touches you, touches the apple of my eye" (Zech 2:8). The judgment day will prove that the King of kings will reckon with all who insult His servants.~ J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Matthew, [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1986], 309. {Matthew 23:34-39}

Christians need no other reason to be avid readers of the Word of God. Realizing that Scripture is "God-breathed" is motivation enough. Immediately, we see a connection between the living Word and the written Word. Just as Jesus Christ the living Word is an ever present and dynamic reality, the written Word is equally alive and active through the mind of the Holy Spirit. Every time we open the Scriptures, we should expect a personal encounter with the God-breathed Spirit of the living Word. This is reading at its very best. When the mind and spirit of a biblical author interact in vibrant dialogue with the mind and spirit of a reader, the highest purpose of the inspired Word is fulfilled. We should soar every time we read the Word of God.- David L. McKenna, How to Read a Christian Book, 2001, p. 18-19

A verse must be read often, and re-read and read again before the wondrous message of love and power that God has put into begins to appear. Words must be turned over and over in the mind before their full force and beauty takes possession of us. One must look a long time at the great masterpieces of art to appreciate their beauty and understand their meaning, and so one must look a long time at the great verses of the Bible to appreciate their beauty and understand their meaning.- R.A. Torrey

I believe in the sun even when it isn’t shining. I believe in love even when I am alone. I believe in God even when He is silent.-Jewish refugee, World War II, Poland

The human race is a race of cowards; and I am not only marching in that procession but carrying a banner. - Mark Twain, 1835 - 1910

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Happiness isn’t in possessions, education, or sensory ability. Happiness is found in relationships. And life’s greatest happiness is found in life’s greatest relationship: a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.- Kenneth L. Tangen

Grace means primarily the free, forgiving love of God in Christ to sinners and the operation of that love in the lives of Christians.- A. M. Hunter


Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus. - Alexander Graham Bell, 1847 - 1922

Focus on remedies, not faults. -
Jack William Nicklaus

It's not your position in life; it's the disposition you have which will change your position.-. David McKinley

Monday, 21 November 2011

Christian, as God did not at first choose you because you were high, He will not now forsake you because you are low.~John Flavel

The Holy Spirit has no skeptic. He has written neither doubt nor mere opinion into our hearts, but rather solid assurances, which are more sure and solid that all experience and even life itself. --Martin Luther; Letter to Erasmus.

‎The Lord has a golden sceptre and an iron rod Psalm 2:9 . Those who will not bow to the one will broken by the other .Thomas Watson

Christianity make no sense to you? It probably hinges on this issue...
"Do you feel loved by God because you believe he makes much of you, or because you believe he frees you and empowers you to enjoy making much of him? It is the difference between the modern world where all terminates on self, and the biblical world where all terminates on God. Add to the statement this twist: Since only God can satisfy the soul forever, his freeing us to make much of him is the deepest act of love possible-especially when it happens at the cost of his Son."-John Piper

Keep from me Thy loveliest creature, till I prove Jesus’ love infinitely sweeter.- Charles Wesley, Written during his courtship.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers. -Ralph Nader

Competition, free enterprise, and an open market were never meant to be symbolic fig leaves for corporate socialism and monopolistic capitalism. -
Ralph Nader

Let it not be said by a future, forlorn generation that we wasted and lost our great potential because our despair was so deep we didn't even try, or because each of us thought someone else was worrying about our problems. -
Ralph Nader

Power has to be insecure to be responsive. -
Ralph Nader

Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light. ―Groucho Marx