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Thursday, 29 November 2018

Quotes Nov 30

"Our insecurities, fears, and doubts can never be banished by the knowledge of who we are. They can only be banished by the knowledge of 'I AM.'" (Jen Wilkin)

The support of the Jews in the Middle East was vital for the propagation and spread of the word of Muhammad... Leading Jews Jews in the town, pledged their support to Muhammad in return for your guarantees of the mutual defence. - Peter Francopan: The silk roads P. 79

A letter sent in the 1640s by a prominent cleric reports that the new rulers (Muslims) not only did not fight against Christians,'but even commend our religion, show honour to the priests and monasteries and saints of our Lord', and make gifts endowing religious institutions -Peter Francopan: The silk roads P. 82

Ramisht of Siraf in the Persian Gulf ... personally funded new fabric Chinese cloth 'whose value cannot be estimated' according to one account of this period, that was draped over the Ha'ba after the original became damaged. Peter Francopan: The silk roads P. 148

Nishapur was one of the locations that suffered devastation. Every living being from women and children and the elderly to livestock and domestic animals -what that should as the order was given that not even dogs or cats be left alive. All the corpses were piled up in a series of the enormous pyramids as an gruesome warning of the consequences of standing up to the Mongols' Peter Francopan: The silk roads P. 160

Quotes Nov 29

God uses chronic pain and weakness, along with
other afflictions, as his chisel for sculpting our
lives. Felt weakness deepens dependence on Christ
for strength each day.  The weaker we feel, the harder
we lean.  And the harder we lean, the stronger we
grow spiritually, even while our bodies waste away.
To live with your "thorn" uncomplainingly--that is,
sweet, patient, and free in heart to love and help
others, even though every day you feel weak--is
true sanctification.  It is true healing for the
spirit.  It is a supreme victory of grace.
--J.I. Packer (1926-    )

A true understanding and humble estimate of oneself
is the highest and most valuable of all lessons.  To
take no account of oneself, but always to think well
and highly of others is the highest wisdom and
perfection.--Thomas A' Kempis (1380-1471)
_The Imitation Of Christ_ [c. 1420], Book 1, Chapter

Roman Catholicism continued to see the inner structure of the state in the old pagan way as the total bond of all natural society, and continue to deduce the principles for political life though natural reason apart from revelation -The christian idea of the state, Herman Dooyeweerd, p12

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

Quotes Nov 28

...never think that you are kneeling or standing alone, rather think that the whole of Christendom all devout Christians, are standing there besides you and you are standing among them in a common, united petition which God cannot disclaim. — Martin Luther.

Everyone thinks their own bias is objectivity. The first step to real objectivity is acknowledging one's own bias.- John Edward Philips

Thomas Aquinas prince of Roman Catholic scholasticism, made natural reason independent of the revelation of God in Christ Jesus. Learning, morality, political life and natural theology were then as autonomous areas of natural reason, practised in a pagan Aristotelian manner. - The christian idea of the state, Herman Dooyeweerd, p7

But neither marriage, nor family, nor blood relations, nor the free types of social existence, whether they are organised or not, can be considered as part of an all embracing state. Every societal relationship has received from God its own structure and law life, sovereign in its own sphere. The Christian world and life view, illumined by the revealed word of God, that posits sphere sovereignty of the temporal life spheres over against the pagan totality idea. - The christian idea of the state, Herman Dooyeweerd, p11

Monday, 26 November 2018

Quotes Nov 27

"For Christ by dying hath discharged the debt of death. Oh new and ineffable mystery! He was bound that he might set free; he was imprisoned that he might liberate; he suffered that he might heal; he died to restore life; he was buried to raise us up! He rose from death and trampled it down." -- Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, 313-326.

I'm not denyin' the women are foolish; God Almighty
made 'em to match the men.
     --George Eliot [Mary Ann Evans] (1819-1880)
      _Adam Bede_ [1859], Chapter 53

In the Jewish Talmud it is prohibited for a person to pray more than three times a day, as God is weary of prayer every hour. -Iskander Jadeed, How do we pray, P.30

I durst then ask the worst that heareth me, dare you now be drunk, or gluttonous, or worldly. Dare you be voluptuous,proud or fornicators any more? Dare you go home and make a jest at piety as you have done? - Richard Baxter preaching before Charles II n J I Packer, A man for all ministries,p.15

Quotes Nov 26

I believe there will be more in heaven than in hell. If you ask me why I think so, I answer, because Christ in everything is to have the preeminence (Col. 1:18), and I cannot conceive how he could have the preeminence if there are to be more in the dominions of Satan than in paradise.- Charles Spurgeon

God isn't asking you to be thankful.  He's asking you
to give thanks.  There's a big difference.
One response involves emotions, the other your choices,
your decisions about a situation, your intent, your
"step of faith."
--Joni Eareckson-Tada (1949-    )
      _A Place of Healing_ [2010],
      "How Do I Regain My Perspective?"

I bear my testimony that there is no joy to be found in all this world like that of sweet communion with Christ. I would barter all else there is of heaven for that. Indeed, that is heaven.- Charles Spurgeon

I believe the holier a man becomes, the more he mourns over the unholiness which remains in him.- Charles Spurgeon

Friday, 23 November 2018

Quotes Nov 24

Our joy is like the wave as it dashes on the shore—it throws us on the earth. But our sorrows are like that receding wave which sucks us back again into the great depth of godhead. We would have been stranded and left high and dry on the shore if it had not been for that receding wave, that ebbing of our prosperity, which carried us back to our Father and our God again.- Charles Spurgeon

Faith--and good fire insurance--buoyed Barbara
Kramer, 79, whose two-bedroom home and car
were destroyed.
"Apparently, I lost everything but I haven't lost
anything," she said.  "We're Christians and
everything we have belongs to the Lord so
if it's gone, it's just things."
--Alastair Gee _The Guardian_ [November 22, 2018],
"Thanksgiving In Paradise: Californians Seek Meaning After Inferno"

Our sorrows are all, like ourselves, mortal…They come, but blessed be God, they also go. We suffer today, but we shall rejoice tomorrow.- Charles Spurgeon

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Quotes Nov 22

If all my senses were to contradict God, I would deny every one of them and sooner believe myself to be out of my right mind than believe that God could lie.-- Charles Spurgeon

"Europe is belatedly discovering how unbelievably stupid it was to import millions of people from cultures that despise Western values and which often promote hatred toward the people who have let them in."- Thomas Sowell@ThomasSowell

"Where’s his religion, I should like to know, when he goes flying in the face of the Bible like that? Threescore-and-ten’s the mark, and no man with a conscience, and a proper sense of what’s expected of him, has any business to live longer."- Charles Dickens Martin Chuzzlewit, chapter 11:

Unity in Christ through union with Christ is God’s gift to all believers and is a reality that the church is under obligation to display to the world every way it can.- J. I. Packer@DrJIPacker

In general, the art of government consists in taking
as much money as possible from one class of
citizens to give to the other.
     --Voltaire (1694-1778)
      _Philosophical Dictionary_ [1764], "Money"

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Quotes Nov 21

To know how to be hungry is a sharp lesson, but to know how to be full is the harder lesson after all. So desperate is the tendency of human nature to pride and forgetfulness of God!”- Charles Spurgeon

God's word, does not teach us a contrast between nature and grace, that is  contrast between the nature of God's creation and the redemption in Christ Jesus. It teaches only and exclusively the radical uncompromising antithesis of sin and redemption, of the realm of darkness and the kingdom of God in Christ. - The christian idea of the state, Herman Dooyeweerd, p 5

I doubt whether it is generally realised that the centre of gravity of the Christian is very rapidly moving away from the Anglo-Saxon world.- Harold H Rowden, Turning the church inside out, P. 24

1. 0 little flock, fear not the Foe
Who madly seeks your overthrow;
Dread not his rage and power.
What though your courage sometimes faints,
His seeming triumph o'er God's saints
Lasts but a little hour.

2. Be of good cheer; your cause belongs
To Him who can avenge your wrongs;
Leave it to Him, our Lord.
Though hidden yet from mortal eyes,
His Gideon shall for you arise,
Uphold you and His Word.

3. As true as God's own Word is true.
Not earth nor hell with all their crew
Against us shall prevail.
A jest and byword are they grown;
God is with us, we are His own;
Our victory cannot fail.

4. Amen, Lord Jesus, grant our prayer;
Great Captain, now Thine arm make bare,
Fight for us once again!
So shall Thy saints and martyrs raise
A mighty chorus to Thy praise,
World without end. Amen.
Hymn #263 The Lutheran Hymnal, Johann M. Altenburg, 1632, Translated by: Catherine Winkworth, 1855, alt.Titled: "Verzage nicht, du Haeuflein klein"

Monday, 19 November 2018

Quotes Nov 20

Get to Christ somehow, anyhow, for if you get to him you shall live. It is not the greatness nor the perfection of your faith, it is his greatness and his perfection which is to be depended on.-- Charles Spurgeon

I still can hardly believe it.  I, with shriveled, bent
fingers, atrophied muscles, gnarled knees, and no
feeling from the shoulders down, will one day
have a new body, light, bright, and clothed in
righteousness--powerful and dazzling.
Can you imagine the hope this gives someone spinal-cord
injured like me?  Or someone who is cerebral palsied,
brain-injured, or who has multiple sclerosis?  Imagine
the hope this gives someone who is manic-depressive.
No other religion, no other philosophy promises new
bodies, hearts, and minds.  Only in the Gospel of
Christ do hurting people find such incredible hope.
--Joni Eareckson-Tada (1949-    ) _Heaven: Your Real Home_ [1995], Chapter 3

The essence of sin is man substituting himself for God, while the essence of salvation is God substituting himself for man. Man asserts himself against God and puts himself where only God deserves to be, God sacrifices himself for man & puts himself where only man deserves to be.- Sam Allberry@SamAllberry

All earthly things are as salt water, that increases the appetite, but satisfies not.
—Richard Sibbes

Sunday, 18 November 2018

Quotes Nov 19

"Look at your Lord hanging, look at him hanging, and giving you a directive from that kind of judicial bench which is the cross. Look at him hanging there, and concocting a medicine for you in your illness from his own blood. Look at him hanging there." Augustine

"The Jews always looked back to this work that God had done in space and time, and therefore they were linked to something that was tough enough to bear the weight of life, for they knew that God was not far away. Their affirmation was not just a poetic expression. Since God had acted in past history, the people knew they could trust Him for the future." ~ Francis Schaeffer, No Little People, No Little Places, commentary on Ps. 136:1-4.

I shouldn’t complain. My trials are fewer than my sins. - Joshua D Jones@BlueCheezWhisky

As soon as Christianity began to compromise learning, culture and political life with pagan and humanistic philosophy, with its view of state and culture, Christianity's inner strength has broken. At that moment the process of becoming 'like unto the world began', repeatedly arrested through the grace of God by a spiritualreveil, a Reformation. - introduction to The christian idea of the state, Herman Dooyeweerd, p3

Friday, 16 November 2018

Quotes Nov 17

You believe in God for your soul. Believe in him about your property. Believe in God about your sick wife or your dying child. Believe in God about your losses and bad debts and declining business.-- Charles Spurgeon

"Look at your Lord hanging, look at him hanging, and giving you a directive from that kind of judicial bench which is the cross. Look at him hanging there, and concocting a medicine for you in your illness from his own blood. Look at him hanging there." Augustine

"The Jews always looked back to this work that God had done in space and time, and therefore they were linked to something that was tough enough to bear the weight of life, for they knew that God was not far away. Their affirmation was not just a poetic expression. Since God had acted in past history, the people knew they could trust Him for the future." ~ Francis Schaeffer, No Little People, No Little Places, commentary on Ps. 136:1-4.

I shouldn’t complain. My trials are fewer than my sins. - Joshua D Jones@BlueCheezWhisky

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Quotes Nov 16

The pith, the essence of faith, lies in this— a casting oneself on the promise.-- Charles Spurgeon

Prayer does need outside itself because it proofs are within. It is in the nature and function of man, like breathing, eating and drinking, and he practices it as part of his very being. -Samuel Johnson, quoted in Iskander Jadeed, How do we pray, P. 3

When I first entered upon my labours in the ministry I took special notice all everyone was humbled, reformed or converted; but when I had laboured long, if pleased God that the converts were so many, hat I could not afford time for such particular observation ... Families and considerable numbers at once ... came in and grow up I scarce knew how. - Richard Baxter  in J I Packer, A man for all ministries, p10

My soul is with the congregation of the first-born, my body rests in hope, and if here I may nonour my God either by doing or by suffering, I shall be most glad. - Oliver Cromwell, letter, 13 October 1638,  Quoted in John Broome, Oliver Cromwell A vindication, p.1

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Quotes Nov 15

The Lord gets his best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction.
     --Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892)
      _Gleanings Among The Sheaves_ [1869], "Sorrow's Discipline"

It is a sign of growth in grace when Christians increase in a sense of their own unworthiness and insufficiency, and in dependence on God.- Jonathan Edwards@Edwards_SDG

For a society awash in expressive individualism, the greatest commandment is to be yourself and the second is like it: to affirm and applaud whatever self your neighbour chooses to be. - The Gospel Coalition@TGC

When all looks fair about, and thou seest not a cloud so big
as a Hand to threaten thee, forget not the Wheel of things: think of
sullen vicissitudes, but beat not thy brains to foreknow them.  Be
armed against such obscurities rather by submission than
fore-knowledge. The Knowledge of future evils mortifies present
felicities, and there is more content in the uncertainty or ignorance
of them. -- Sir Thomas Browne, _Christian Morals_

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Quotes Nov 14

As sure as God puts His children in the furnace of affliction, He will be with them in it.- Charles Spurgeon@CHSpurgeon

"Jesus came to undo the works of the devil; Muhammad came to undo the work of Christ."- Sam Solomon

If you believe that the universe just happened and there is no God, but that somehow human rights still exist, you can't prove that. In fact, it takes a lot of faith to imagine humanistic values can arise from an impersonal universe. You have a lot of faith and multiple beliefs.- Timothy Keller@timkellernyc

"When I lack proper contentment, I have forgotten that God is God. We are now speaking about a practical test to judge if we are coveting against God. A quiet disposition and a heart giving thanks is the real test of the extent to which we love and trust God at that moment." ~ Francis Schaeffer, True Spirituality

Monday, 12 November 2018

Quotes Nov 13

If you are not content with what you have, you would not be satisfied if it were doubled.- Charles Spurgeon@CHSpurgeon

The church has received it by tradition from the apostles to give baptism even to infants. - Origin, b. 185 A.D.

The modern state, by its emphatic reassertion of the pagan totality idea, is making clear its claim to sovereignty and total jurisdiction, its claim to total law. The modern state therefore seeks total control: its goal is to replace the predestination of man, to substitute for God is eternal decree the states temporal decree. The goal of social planning is simply this predestinarian purpose. - Rousas J Rushdoony,  introduction to The christian idea of the state, Herman Dooyeweerd, p.xi

Though in principle Luther asserted very strongly that priesthood could be exercised by any  believer, in certain circumstances, for practical purposes it was advisable for the church to choose individuals to exercise the priesthood on their behalf. Even  the English nonconformists, who reacted very strongly against certain aspects of clericalism, did little more then reassert the same doctrine without giving it very much practical effect. R W Dale, the great Congregationalist of The last century used to insist that the communion service be conducted once a year  by one of the deacons, in order to establish the principle. But very little more than that was done. - Harold H Rowden, Turning the church inside out, P. 20

A conceited, stubborn, fanatical dog that did not conform when he might have been preferred; hang him! This one fellow hath cast more reproach upon the Constitution and excellent discipline of our church than will be wiped out this Hundred years ... By God! He deserves to be whipped through the city. - Judge Jeffries at the trial of 70 year-old Richard Baxter, in J I Packer, A man for all ministries, p.8

Sunday, 11 November 2018

Quotes Nov 12

From the Word of God I gather that damnation is all of man, from top to bottom, and salvation is all of grace, from first to last. He that perishes chooses to perish; but he that is saved is saved because God has chosen to save him.-- Charles Spurgeon

"It's only our foolish generation (and I am using "foolish" in the same sense it has in Romans 1) that lives in a universe which is purely material, everything being reduced to mass, energy and motion. Thus we find that the Jews left the true God for false gods, just as the Greeks, the Romans, etc., had false gods, but they were not as far from the truth as our generation. Our generation has nobody at home in the universe, nobody at all. Eventually, let us understand this: only a personal comforter can comfort man who is personal, and only one Comforter is great enough: the infinite-personal God who exists- that is, the God of JudeoChristian Scripture. Only He is the sufficient Comforter."- Francis Schaeffer, Death in the City

Danger for charismatics: a high expectation of God speaking today, but which doesn’t translate into careful biblical exegesis.
Danger for conservatives: careful biblical exegesis, but which doesn’t translate into a high expectation of God speaking today through it. - Sam Allberry@SamAllberry

Music is one of the greatest gifts God has given us;
it is divine and therefore Satan is its enemy.  For
with its aid many dire temptations are overcome;
the devil does not stay where music is.
     --Martin Luther (1483-1546)
      (In Martin H. Manser's _The Westminster Collection
       of Christian Quotations_ [2001], "Music")

Friday, 9 November 2018

Quotes Nov 10

The modern state therefore as sovereign claims prior jurisdiction in every sphere of life. It claims is the right to legislate ( for the sovereign is the source of law) for every realm, and its right of legislation, however  generously or cautiously applied, is a total right. The state as sovereign is simply the state as god. - Rousas John Rushdoony, in Herman Dooyeweerd, The Christian idea of the state, p.x

Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation. —Rumi (I think this shows that due to the absolute transcendence of Allah there is nothing one can really know about him. - GJW)

NASA has plans to probe Uranus in search of gas - Headline -

"It is not that Christians are to 'give thanks' with a plastic smile, saying things are wonderful when they are hard. It is knowing that the hard things are really hard things, a result of the abnormality since the Fall, yet not revolting against God when the hard things come. It is in this sense we are to say, 'thank you.' I know that even out of this part of the battle and tears, my Heavenly Father will bring good-even though I may not know how all the pieces fit together."~ Dr. Francis Schaeffer, True Spirituality

And what, in contrast, does humanism have to offer? Quite literally, nothing at all. A message that all is meaningless, that we humans have no significance beyond what we might choose to make up ourselves, that there is nothing above us but sky, nothing around us but pitiless indifference, nothing below us but the grave, nothing to look forward to but oblivion. No hope but more of what we already are, for there is nothing else to hope for. I was told by a humanist recently that he once asked the local humanist group why humanists don’t run food banks. They had no answer, he said; but to Christians the answer is obvious. Why should they? I might add that they don’t send gifts to children on the other side of the world either. There is nothing in humanism that would make anyone want to do so; because it is a creed which comes offering nothing, explaining nothing, motivating nothing.- This Christmas, beware evangelical humanists offering absolutely nothing, MATTHEW ROBERTS,

Thursday, 8 November 2018

Quotes Nov 9

It always seems inexplicable to me that those who claim free will so very boldly for man should not also allow some free will to God. Why should not Jesus Christ have the right to choose his own bride?-- Charles Spurgeon

The sovereign, original and foundation of all civil power lies in the people ... And if so, that people make you erect and establish what form of government seems to them most meet for their civil condition. It is evident that such governments as are by then erected and established, have no more power, nor for no longer time, then the civil power shall betrust them with. This is clear not only in reason, what in the experience of all commonwealths, where the people are not deprived of their natural freedom by the power of tyrants. - Roger Williams, The bloody tenant of persecution, 1644, quoted in Richard Forbes, Humanism and human rights, p4

The mythology of an age so dominates the mind and culture of man that his thought and action find expression within the mythological framework. Fallen man relates himself more readily to his culture myths them to reality. Any approach to a discussion of the christian idea of the state runs therefore counter to the spirit of the age and the accepted frameworks of thought and action. - - Rousas John Rushdoony, in  Herman Dooyeweerd, The christian idea of the state, p.vii

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Quotes Nov 8

I am the subject of depression so fearful that I hope none of you ever get to such extremes of wretchedness as I go to. But I always get back again by this—I know that I trust Christ. I have no reliance but in him, and if he falls, I shall fall with him. But if he does not, I shall not.-- Charles Spurgeon

“A church full of love is a church well built up. I had rather see a church filled with love a thousand times, than filled with the best, the highest and most glorious gifts and parts that any men in this world may be made partakers of”.- John Owen

We come into the world crying, we go through it complaining, and we go out of it groaning!- William Tiptaft (1803-1864)

When I lack proper contentment, I have forgotten that God is God. We are now speaking about a practical test to judge if we are coveting against God. A quiet disposition and a heart giving thanks is the real test of the extent to which we love and trust God at that moment." ~ Francis Schaeffer, True Spirituality

I’m not so bothered by the stock market any more, but I’m quite concerned about treasure in Heaven. I do care about the ideals which underpin the republic and democracy. But I no longer look on with naïve innocence at republicans and democrats. I dream about the New Jerusalem more than ever – but I’ve ceased to lose sleep over what happens in Washington or London. - Joshua D Jones,

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Quotes Nov 7

”Love and its exercise is the principal grace and duty that is required among, and expected from, the saints of God, especially as they are engaged in church-fellowship. What is this love? It is a fruit of the Spirit of God, an effect of faith, whereby believers, being knit together by the strongest bonds of affection, upon the account of their interest in one head , Jesus Christ, and participating of one Spirit, do delight in, value and esteem each other, and are in a constant readiness for all those regular duties whereby the temporal, spiritual and eternal good of one another may be promoted”.- John Owen

  'The knife of the guillotine strikes you in this place,' she
said, rapidly passing the nail of her little finger round the young
man's neck and then drawing it away.  'The scar is quite a thin one,
like a red thread...But only at the first blow.  When many people are
executed at the same time the blade soon becomes blunt.  Teeth are
formed on it...If you are executed try to be one of the first.'
        --Mark Aldanov, _The Ninth Thermidor_ 1923

There are those who have no luck.  Christopher Columbus cannot attach his name to his discovery.  Dr. Guillotin cannot detach his from his invention.--Victor Hugo, 1830

I, of all men, am perhaps the subject of the deepest depression at times.- Charles Spurgeon

Computers are like Old Testament gods; lots of rules and no mercy. --Joseph Campbell (1904-1987)
      _The Power of Myth_ [1988]; Episode 2, Chapter 22

Monday, 5 November 2018

Quotes Nov 6

The man who can fully understand the word covenant is a theologian. That is the key of all theology—the covenant of works by which we fell, and the covenant of grace by which we stand, Christ fulfilling the covenant for us as our surety and representative, fulfilling it by the shedding of his blood, so leaving for us a covenant wholly fulfilled on our side, which is Christ’s side, and only to be fulfilled now by God.- Charles Spurgeon

America's one of the finest countries anyone ever stole.~ Bobcat Goldthwaite

Illegal aliens have always been a problem in the United States.  Ask any Indian. --Robert Orben

"All the problems we face in the United States today can be traced to an unenlightened immigration policy on the part of the American Indian." -- Pat Paulsen

What did the Indians call America before the white man came?  "Ours." --Anonymous

Quotes Nov 5

The usual rule is that the more we really know, the more 
conscious we are of the littleness of our knowledge. 
     --C.H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) 
      _Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit_, Volume 23 [1877] 

You are what you do. 
     --Lois McMaster Bujold (1949-    ) 
      _Brothers In Arms_ [1989] 

Sometimes when I have said a humorous thing in 
preaching I have not asked you to excuse me, for 
if God has given me humour I mean to use it 
in his cause. . . . 
Many a man has been caught, and his ear arrested, and 
his attention won by a quaint remark.  If anyone can prove 
it is a wickedness, and not a natural faculty, I will abandon it; 
but it is a faculty of nature, and it ought to be consecrated 
and used for the cause of Christ. 
--C. H. Spurgeon (1834-1892) 
      _Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit_, Volume 20 [1874] 

I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country
away from them.  There were great numbers of
people who needed new land, and the Indians were
selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.
     --John Wayne (1907-1979)

Once they were a happy race.  Now they are made
miserable by the white people, who are never
contented but are always encroaching.
     --Tecumseh (1768-1813)
       (Chief of the Shawnees)

Friday, 2 November 2018

Quotes Nov 3

What a Magna Carta is this! The old covenant says, “Keep the law and live.” The new covenant is, “You shall live, and I will lead you to keep my law, for I will write it on your heart.” - Charles Spurgeon

“I think it’s better to die as a brave and strong man than to die as a mouse and fearful person,” - Asia Bibi’s lawyer, Saif-ul-Mulook

The actions of men [are] the best interpreters of their thoughts.  --John Locke (1632-1704)  _An Essay Concerning Human Understanding_ [1690]; Book 1, Chapter 2, Section 3

They are the happiest Christians who have the lowest thoughts of themselves and in whose eyes Jesus is most glorious and precious. Newton

Knowledge is proud that it knows so much; wisdom is humble that it knows no more.
--William Cowper (1731-1800), _The Task_ (1785) Book VI, "Winter Walk at Noon"

Quotes Nov 2

“We are old enough oftimes, after hours of thinking and of labour, but we sleep, and we wake refreshed, as though we were beginning a new life.” - Charles Spurgeon, Spurgeon Library@SpurgeonMBTS

Forgiveness is not simply ignoring something sinful, but for loves sake deliberately releasing the offender from his obligation to suffer the penalty and make restitution. A repentant offender may need to make restitution as a part of reconciliation, but our offer of forgiveness is not contingent on that. - Patrick H Morrison, Forgive as the Lord forgave you, Page 10

“The God of the believer is never far from him; he is not merely the God of the mountain fastnesses, but of the dangerous valleys and battle plains.-Spurgeon on Psalm 11:4

The Lord has now arranged a new covenant of a different character. It is made with Christ Jesus, the second Adam, and with all whom he represents. It is on this wise: “You, Jesus, shall keep the law, and you shall also suffer a penalty for all the breaches of my law by all who are in you. If you do this, all those who are in you shall live eternally.”- Charles Spurgeon