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Sunday, 16 January 2011

Children love their parents. Eventually they come to judge them. Rarely do they forgive them.- Oscar Wilde, 1854 - 1900

Disobedience, in the eyes of any one who has read history, is man's original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion.-Oscar Wilde, 1854 - 1900 (I think this tells us a lot about Wilde)

Grateful love is the true spring of real obedience to Christ! Men will never take up the cross and confess Jesus before the world, and live to Him, until they feel that they are indebted to Him for pardon, peace, and hope. The ungodly are what they are, because they have no sense of sin, and no consciousness of being under any special obligation to Christ. The godly are what they are, because they love Him who first loved them, and washed them from sin in His own blood. Christ has healed them, and therefore they follow Christ.~ J.C. Ryle, Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Luke volume 2 , [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1998], 287.

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.- John Kenneth Galbraith, 1908 - 2006

If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error.- John Kenneth Galbraith, 1908 - 2006

God does not call His people to a ministry of inquisition. Now is not the time to rip the tares out. Our mission is not a political or military crusade, and this is not the time of judgment where we are called to distribute retribution. We are sent out rather to be ambassadors for Christ, emissaries of His mercy and grace.-John MacArthur, The Gospel According to Jesus, © John MacArthur, 1988, p. 132

Thursday, 13 January 2011

Jesus lived His life in complete dependence upon His
Father, as we all ought to live our lives. But such dependence
does not destroy human personality. Man is never so fully and
so truly personal as when he is living in complete dependence
upon God. This is how personality comes into its own. This is
humanity at its most personal.- Donald M. Baillie (1887-1954), God was in Christ: an essay on incarnation and atonement, Scribner, 1955, p. 93

Listen not for a moment to those who tell you that in this life we can never be sure of our own spiritual state, and must always be in doubt. The Roman Catholics say so. The ignorant world says so. The devil says so. But the Bible says nothing of the kind. There is such a thing as strong assurance of our acceptance in Christ, and a Christian should never rest till he has obtained it. That a man may be saved without this strong assurance I do not deny. But without it, he misses a great privilege and much comfort, I am quite sure. Strive, then, with all diligence, "to make your calling and Election sure." [2 Peter 1:10] and "Lay aside every weight and the sins that most easily beset you." [Hebrews 12:1] Be ready to cut off the right hand and pluck out the right eye, if need be. Settle it firmly in your mind, that it is the highest privilege on this side of the grave, to know that you are one of the children of God.~ J.C. Ryle, Old Paths, “Election”, [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1999], 475.

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

We are all by nature so weak, so worldly, so earthly-minded, so inclined to sin, that without a thorough change we cannot serve God in life, and could not enjoy Him after death. Just as ducks, as soon as they are hatched, take naturally to water, so do children, as soon as they can do anything, take to selfishness, lying, and deceit; and none pray or love God, unless they are taught. High or low, rich or poor, gentle or simple, we all need a complete change—a change which is the special office of the Holy Ghost to give us. Call it what you please—new birth, regeneration, renewal, new creation, quickening, repentance—the thing must be had if we are to be saved: and if we have the thing it will be seen.
~ J.C. Ryle Practical Religion, “Self-Inquiry”, [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1998], 10, 11

Talent is God-given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.- John Wooden, 1910 - 2010

If I were ever prosecuted for my religion, I truly hope there would be enough evidence to convict me. - John Wooden, 1910 - 2010

Never make excuses. Your friends don't need them and your foes won't believe them.- John Wooden, 1910 - 2010

Monday, 10 January 2011

The necessary result of God’s saving work is a transformed person. When a soul is redeemed, Christ gives a new heart (cf. Ezekiel 36:26). Implicit in that change of heart is a new set of desires – a desire to please God, to obey, and to reflect His righteousness. If such a change does not occur, there is no reason to think genuine salvation has taken place.-John MacArthur, The Gospel According to Jesus, © John MacArthur, 1988, p. 96.

Great hopes make everything great possible.- Benjamin Franklin

Saturday, 8 January 2011

It is impossible, indeed, to separate works from faith, just as it is impossible to separate heat and light from fire.- Martin Luther

The truth is that unless people realize they have a sin problem, they will not come to Christ for a solution. People don’t come for healing unless they know they have a disease; they don’t come for life unless they are conscious that they are under the penalty of death; they don’t come for salvation unless they are weary of the bondage of sin.-John MacArthur
The Gospel According to Jesus, © John MacArthur, 1988, p. 61.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

One great remedy against all manner of temptation, great or
small, is to open the heart and lay bare its suggestions,
likings, and dislikings before some spiritual adviser; for, ...
the first condition which the Evil One makes with a soul, when
he wants to entrap it, is silence.- Francois de Sales (1567-1622), Introduction to the Devout Life [1609], London: Rivingtons, 1876, IV.vii, p. 308

In order to mould His children, God sometimes has to melt them down.- Author Unknown

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.- Desmond Tutu

My father always used to say, "Don't raise your voice. Improve your argument." Good sense does not always lie with the loudest shouters, nor can we say that a large, unruly crowd is always the best arbiter of what is right.= Desmond Tutu

One of the hardest things to teach a child is that the truth is more important than the consequences.- Eddie Rickenbacker, 1890 - 1973

The sensation of dying is sweet, sensuous, placid. It is the easiest thing in the world to die. The hardest is to live. - Eddie Rickenbacker, 1890 - 1973

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

He has loved us without being loved... We are bound to Him,
and not He to us, because before He was loved, He loved us...
There it is, then: we cannot... love Him with this first love.
Yet I say that God demands of us, that as He has loved us
without any second thoughts, so He should be loved by us. In
what way can we do this, then? ... I tell you, through a means
which he has established, by which we can love Him freely; ...
that is, we can be useful, not to Him--which is impossible--but
to our neighbour... To show the love that we have for Him, we
ought to serve and love every rational creature and extend our
charity to good and bad, as much to one who does us ill service
and criticizes us as to one who serves us. For, ... His charity
extends over just men and sinners.-Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), Saint Catherine of Siena as seen in her letters, J. M. Dent, 1906, p. 83

Let us learn from our Lord's warning words to pray for a humble, teachable spirit, whenever we open the pages of unfulfilled prophecy. Here, if anywhere, we need the heart of a little child, and the prayer "open my eyes." (Psalm 119:18.) Let us beware, on the one side, of that lazy indifference which turns away from all prophetical Scripture, on account of its difficulties. Let us beware, on the other side, of that dogmatical and arrogant spirit, which makes men forget that they are students, and talk as confidently as if they were prophets themselves. Above all, let us read prophetical Scripture with a thorough conviction that the study carries with it a blessing, and that more light may be expected on it every year. The promise remains in full force, "Blessed is he that reads. At the time of the end, the vision shall be unsealed." (Rev. 13; Dan. 12:9.)~ J.C. Ryle,Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Luke volume 2 , [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1998], 358, 359.

Saturday, 1 January 2011

As in paradise, God walks in the Holy Scriptures, seeking man.- Ambrose of Milan (339-397), De Paradiso

In several places in the scriptures God says,"Behold I do a new thing!" New heart, new birth, new covenant, new way, new hope, new life, new mercy, new spirit, new song, NEW! NEW! NEW! Even a new heaven and a new earth! I am not looking back but ahead! LORD bring on 2011 and lets meet it together in your divine newness! - Stephen Crott