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Wednesday, 30 June 2010

1 Jul 10

How do the afflictions of the godly, differ from the afflictions of the wicked?

(1) The afflictions of the godly are but corrections; but those on the wicked are punishments. The one come from aFather; the other from a Judge.

(2) The afflictions of the godly are fruits of covenant mercy. Afflictions on the wicked are effects of God's wrath. Afflictions on the wicked are the pledge of hell; they are like the shackling of a malefactor, which presages his execution.

(3) The afflictions of the godly make them better; but afflictions on the wicked make them worse. The godly praymore; "Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord." Psalm 130:1. The wicked blaspheme more. "Men were scorched with great heat--and blasphemed the name of God." Revelation 16:9.

Affliction on the godly is like bruising spices--which makes them give off a most sweet and fragrant aroma. Affliction on the wicked is like pounding weeds with a pestle--which makes them give off a foul stench.

It is a sign the affliction is sanctified, when the heart is brought to a sweet submissive frame.

Biblical man did not look upon a miracle quite as we do. He
did not have such a word in his vocabulary. He spoke of "signs
and wonders." Any unusual or spectacular happening that was a
sign of the direct working of God--this was his miracle. If a
modern man could have stood beside him and given a rational
explanation of all the events through which he passed, he would
not have been particularly impressed. His question would always
have been, "Well, why did they happen at exactly this time in
this way and secure this result?" To us the major focus of
attention in the matter of miracle is to explain how it could
have happened without setting aside natural law. With him the
point was rather what was happening, what was going on, what
result God achieved through the unusual.- George Ernest Wright (1909-1974) & Reginald Fuller (1915-2007)

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

30 Jun 10

When you add something to Jesus, you are deserting the Gospel. - Jeff Noblit

The slanderer and the assassin differ only in the weapon they use; with the one it is the dagger, with the other the tongue. The former is worse that the latter, for the last only kills the body, while the other murders the reputation - Tyron Edwards, 1809 - 1894

The best government is a benevolent tyranny tempered by an occasional assassination.
     - François-Marie Arouet (Voltaire), 1694 - 1778

Dueling, though barbarous in civilized, is a highly civilized institution among barbarous people, and when compared to assassination, is a prodigious victory gained over human passions.
     - Sydney Smith, 1771 - 1845

Assassination's the fastest way.
     - Molière (Jean Baptiste Poquelin), 1622 - 1673

Monday, 28 June 2010

29 Jun 10

England's performance is to football, what John Prescott is to English oratory-Mark Wallace, TaxPayers' Alliance

Well, there goes the whole of American God-is-their-belly porkers-for-Jesus evangelicalism with its consumer-oriented free enterprise "ethic" and overeating!- Frank Schaefer, Eradicate Fundamentalism In All Its Forms

England showed sportsmanship by adhering to Harriet's new equality laws and did not take advantage by sending over players who had a prior knowlege of soccer.- Keith Downs

I would rather be poor in a cottage full of books, than a king without the desire to read. -Thomas Babington Macauley

The only freedom that man ever has is when he becomes a slave to Jesus Christ. - R.C. Sproul

Sunday, 27 June 2010

28 Jun 10

A Yorkshireman is like a Scotsman, but with all the generosity squeezed out

Our relationship with Jesus Christ is the key, secret, and foundation to living, loving, finishing, and dying well.- George Crow

The most certain test by which we judge weather a country is really free is the amount of security enjoyed by minorities. --Lord Acton (1834-1902)

Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.- Corrie Ten Boom

Sometimes God calms the storm...
Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms His child.

Graham J Weeks M.R.Pharm.S 10201 quotes 654 topics 2452 authors indexed Our church Daily quotes My blog Christian politics
Don't you get annoyed when you go to a Vuvuzela concert and they start playing football?

Saturday, 26 June 2010

27 Jun 10

Blasphemy depends upon belief, and is fading with it.-Chesterton, "Heretics"

State officials must know that we are serious about stopping abortion, which is a matter of clear principle concerning the babies themselves and concerning a high view of human life.-Francis Schaeffer

Certainly every Christian ought to be praying and working to nullify the abominable abortion law. But as we work and pray, we should have in mind not only this important issue as though it stood alone. Rather, we should be struggling and praying that this whole other total entity “(this godless) worldview” can be rolled back with all its results across all of life.-Francis Schaeffer, A Christian Manifesto, Crossway, 2005.

I agree with Raymond Johnston, the director of CARE Trust, when he wrote in a newspaper article: “I personally am convinced that the destruction of the unborn on this massive, deliberate scale is the greatest single offence regularly perpetrated in Britain today, and would be the first thing an Old Testament prophet redivivus [revived; back to life] would reproach us for.-John Stott, Issues Facing Christians Today, Zondervan, 2006.

For the fetus, though enclosed in the womb of its mother, is already a human being, and it is a monstrous crime to rob it of the life which it has not yet begun to enjoy. If it seems more horrible to kill a man in his own house than in a field, because a man's house is his place of most secure refuge, it ought surely to be deemed more atrocious to destroy a fetus in the womb before it has come to light.-John Calvin, Commentary, Exodus 21:22.

Graham J Weeks M.R.Pharm.S 10201 quotes 654 topics 2452 authors indexed Our church Daily quotes My blog Christian politics
Don't you get annoyed when you go to a Vuvuzela concert and they start playing football?

Friday, 25 June 2010

26 Jun 10

If the Lord gives the vision he also gives the provision.

... stooping very low, He engraves with care
His Name, indelible, upon our dust,
And, from the ashes of our self-despair,
Kindles a flame of hope and humble trust.
He seeks no second site on which to build,
But on the old foundation, stone by stone,
Cementing sad experience with grace,
Fashions a stronger temple of His own.
Patricia St. John (1919-1993), from "The Alchemist", in
Patricia St. John Tells Her Own Story, Kingsley
Press, 2004, p. 17

The homosexuals have come out of the closet, and the Christians have gone in. ~R.J. Rushdoony

Thursday, 24 June 2010

25 Jun 10

I march to a different drum and bow only to God. - Keith Downs

O the comfort, the inexpressible comfort, of feeling safe with a person;
Having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words,
but pour them all out just as they are,
chaff and grain together,
and a faithful hand will take and sift them,
keep what is worth keeping,
and with a breath of kindness,
blow the rest away.- George Elliott

IT will be much more exciting to find that half fairy-tales are history even than to find that history is half fairy-tales.- Chesterton ILN 9/4/1909

Fear is the enemy of love
So don't be scared, we could lose it all
I'm here and I'm planning to stay
So don't let fear drive love away

Sweet as a mother's song
In the still of the night
Oh my love will be there
I'll be there, it's alright, it's alright

Time has a way of telling the truth
So be still, let time talk to you
See I, I can't make you believe
But I've never lied to you
I swear my heart is true

Sweet as a mother's song
In the still of the night
Oh my love will be there
I'll be there, it's alright, it's alright

Fear is the enemy of love
So don't be scared, we could lose it all
I'm here and I'm planning to stay
So don't let fear drive love away

Sweet as a mother's song
In the still of the night
Oh my love will be there
I'll be there, it's alright, it's alright

I said fear is the enemy of love
-Brian Kennedy, Fear is the enemy of love, Album: Won'T YouTake Me Home

Graham J Weeks M.R.Pharm.S 10201 quotes 654 topics 2452 authors indexed Our church Daily quotes My blog Christian politics
Don't you get annoyed when you go to a Vuvuzela concert and they start playing football?

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

24 Jun 10

Faith activates God - Fear activates the Enemy.-Face Book Christian Church

Don't you get annoyed when you go to a Vuvuzela concert and they start playing soccer?-Steve Galinos

The glory of His grace." Ephesians 1:6 The glory of grace is its freeness! Grace...fixes upon objects that are most unworthy; bestows upon them the richest blessings; raises them to the highest honor; promises them the greatest happiness; and all for itsown glory. Nothing can be freer than grace! - James Smith

Worry & anxiety reflect our heart’s distrust in the goodness & sovereignty of God. Worry is a spiritual issue & must be fought with faith. We must fight to believe that God has mercy for today’s troubles &, no matter what may come tomorrow, that God will have new mercies for tomorrow’s troubles (Lam. 3:22-23). ~ Kevin DeYoun

We must not conceal from ourselves that true Christianity brings with it a daily cross in this life, while it offers us a crown of glory in the life to come. The flesh must be daily crucified. The devil must be daily resisted. The world must be daily overcome. There is a warfare to be waged, and a battle to be fought. All this is the inseparable accompaniment of true religion. Heaven is not to be won without it. Never was there a truer word than the old saying, "No cross, no crown!" If we never found this out by experience, our souls are in a poor condition.~ J.C. Ryle Expository Thoughts on the Gospels: Matthew, [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1986], 202.

Graham J Weeks M.R.Pharm.S 10201 quotes 654 topics 2452 authors indexed Our church Daily quotes My blog Christian politics
Overindulgence in media and technology creates a soul that is nourished by distraction-.AlbertMohler

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

23 Jun 10

It's not up to governments to try and create happy families. Where we can help is by taking down the barriers that stop parents from giving their children the best upbringing possible.- Nick Clegg

It is not persecution of the church in China that I fear. The church has always been able to weather persecution. My fear is love of money in the church.~ Anonymous Chinese Pastor

We do not want to hear our children say when they are thirty what the rich young ruler said to Jesus after Jesus listed the commandments, “Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth.” Here is the great commandment keeper. Here is the compliant kid who did what he was told. He kept the commandments.
But when Jesus put him to the test and said he lacked one thing: “Sell what you have, give it to the poor, and follow me” (Mark 10:21), he couldn’t do it. He had no heart for Christ. Rule-keeping? Yes. Treasuring Jesus? No. He was dead. He had no affections for Christ. He was simply a good rule-keeper. And he said that it goes all the way back to his youth: “Teacher, all these I have kept from my youth.” His parents said do, and he did. - John Piper

One may understand the cosmos, but never the ego. The self is more distant than any star. ~ G. K. Chesterton

The evolutionists seem to know everything about the missing link except the fact that it is missing. - G.K. Chesterton

Graham J Weeks M.R.Pharm.S 10201 quotes 654 topics 2452 authors indexed Our church Daily quotes My blog Christian politics
Overindulgence in media and technology creates a soul that is nourished by distraction-.AlbertMohler

Monday, 21 June 2010

22 Jun 10

Those who believe in the Union, if they also believe in devolution, must accept that unless they are contemplating Lord Home-type proposals for a federated United Kingdom, the present arrangement will...lead to enormous and legitimate resentment on the part of the 46 million people who live in England.— Malcolm Rifkind Hansard, 31 January 1978.

We cannot solve the problems that we have created with the same thinking that created them. Albert Einstein

Living or dying, we are the Lord’s. If we live, Jesus will be with us; if we die, we shall be with Jesus. — C.H. Spurgeon

The human heart is a factory of idols...Everyone of us is, from his mother’s womb, expert in inventing idols.” - John Calvin

Only where our piety forgets about itself and focuses on Jesus Christ will our piety be nourished by the ongoing resources the Spirit brings to us from the source of all true piety, our Lord Jesus Christ.- Sinclair Ferguson

Graham J Weeks M.R.Pharm.S 10201 quotes 654 topics 2452 authors indexed Our church Daily quotes My blog Christian politics
Overindulgence in media and technology creates a soul that is nourished by distraction-.AlbertMohler

Sunday, 20 June 2010

21 Jun 10

A storm may bring chaos and cause great damage, but it also clears the air. - Selwyn Hughes (in) Jonah: God of the second chance

I have a great need for my God, I have a great God for my need. - C. H. Spurgeon

Perhaps the most difficult task for us to perform is to rely on God’s grace and God’s grace alone for our salvation. It is difficult for our pride to rest on grace. Grace is for other people – for beggars. We don’t want to live by a heavenly welfare system. We want to earn our own way and atone for our own sins. We like to think that we will go to heaven because we deserve to be there.- R C Sproul

Soft preaching makes hard people; hard truth produces soft people. - John MacArthur

If you want God to be supreme in your life, you have to see, and believe, and love the truth that God is supreme in the life of God...and that the root of my living for the glory of God is that God lives for the glory of God. - John Piper

Saturday, 19 June 2010

19 Jun 2010

"The highest worship of God is the preaching of the Word." - Martin Luther

“As Jesus Christ is stronger than Adam was, so is His righteousness more mighty than the sin of Adam. And if the sin of Adam was sufficient enough to make all men sinners and children of wrath, without any misdeed of our own, much more shall Christ’s righteousness be of greater force to make us all righteous, and the children of grace, without any of our own good works.” - Aonio Paleario (1500 – 1570)

"Proud man would have died had not a lowly God found him."

“God Himself, who is the Author of virtue, shall be our reward. As there is nothing greater or better than God Himself, God has promised us Himself. God shall be the end of all our desires, who will be seen without end, loved without cloy, and praised without weariness.” - St. Augustine

"“The worth and excellency of a soul is to be measured by the object of its love." - Henry Scougal

Friday, 18 June 2010

18 June 2010

We have no right to expect anything but the pure Gospel of Christ, unmixed and unadulterated, the same Gospel that was taught by the Apostles, to do good to the souls of men. I believe that to maintain this pure truth in the Church—men should be ready to make any sacrifice, to hazard peace, to risk dissension, and run the chance of division. They should no more tolerate false doctrine—than they would tolerate sin. They should withstand any adding to or taking away from the simple message of the Gospel of Christ.~ J.C. Ryle Warnings to the Churches, “The Fallibility of Ministers”, [Carlisle, PA: Banner of Truth, 1967], 105.

He who trusts in himself is lost. He who trusts in God can do all things. - St. Alphonsus Liguori (Italian, 1696-1787)

Overindulgence in media and technology creates "a soul that is nourished by distraction.”-AlbertMohler #lmnc RT @MarkTheFark

A woman who expects a man to read her mind will always be disappointed.

Films have degenerated to their original operation
as carnival amusement - they offer not drama
but thrills.- David Mamet

Graham J Weeks M.R.Pharm.S 10201 quotes 654 topics 2452 authors indexed Our church Daily quotes My blog Christian politics
Overindulgence in media and technology creates a soul that is nourished by distraction-.AlbertMohler